Professor Kenneth Baillie (BSc(Hons) MBChB PhD FRCA FRCP FFICM FRSE FMedSci)

Professor of Experimental Medicine


Kenny is Professor of Experimental Medicine, Co-director of the Baillie Gifford Pandemic Science Hub, and a consultant in critical care medicine at the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh in Physiology in 1999 and Medicine in 2002. As a medical student he founded a high-altitude research charity, Apex, which has supported 7 student-led research expeditions over the past 20 years. After basic training in internal medicine in Glasgow, and in anaesthesia in Edinburgh, he was appointed to the ECAT (Edinburgh Clinical Academic Track) at the University of Edinburgh in 2008, completing a PhD in statistical genetics in 2013 and clinical training in intensive care medicine in 2014. After a period at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, he returned to Edinburgh to lead a research group based at the Roslin Institute and the Centre for Inflammation Research.  He has advised the World Health Organisation and UK government on multiple outbreaks of infectious disease. He has provided global leadership on research preparedness for pandemics, writing the protocol that was used in China for the very first description of novel coronavirus disease and leading UK-wide research to characterise the illness. He contributed to the design and set-up of the clinical trials that discovered the first four effective treatments for severe COVID-19, and discovered a genetic clue that led directly to one of those treatments - the first example of translation from host genetics to drug treatment in an infectious disease.  He has been recognised with fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Academy of Medical Sciences, has obtained over £100M in research funding, and is among the top 0.1% most highly-cited researchers worldwide across fields. Kenny's research group uses computational genetics to identify effective therapeutic targets to improve patient outcomes in critical care.

Research summary

Translational genomics in critical care medicine.