Dr Katey Warran
Leverhulme Research Fellow; PATHS Research Group Lead

Contact details
- Email: kwarran@ed.ac.uk
I am an arts and health researcher and social scientist based in the School of Health in Social Science. I am currently the recipient of a Leverhulme-funded fellowship where I am exploring the application of sociological theories to the field of 'arts and health', as well as Lead for the PATHS Research Group (Public Health, Arts, Theory, Sociology). Alongside this fellowship at Edinburgh, I am also an Honorary Research Fellow at University College London. Previously, I was Deputy Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Research on the Experience of Dementia (ECRED, UoE) and Deputy Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Arts & Health (based at UCL). At ECRED, I designed a new programme of research activity focusing on the arts and dementia in partnership with lived experience researchers, including our CREATE Dance for Dementia project (funded by RSE) and IMAGINED project (funded by the AHRC – ongoing). At UCL, I have worked on a range of different arts and health research projects, including exploring dance for young people with anxiety (as Principal Investigator, funded by the UKRI), singing for those with postnatal depression (with the WHO), and singing for those affected by cancer. I am also interested in the application of research to policy and have authored reports for the DCMS and Arts Council England, and am a Trustee for Arts Culture Health and Wellbeing Scotland (ACHWS) and member of the Research Committee at Scottish Ballet. I see myself as an interdisciplinary researcher who draws upon a range of disciplines in my work to examine the complex relationship between the arts and health.
PhD, University of Edinburgh, Sociology (AHRC funded)
MSc, Royal College of Music, Performance Science (Distinction)
BA (Hons), University of Sheffield, Philosophy and Biblical Studies