Dr. Kaswar Mostafa (PhD, MSc, MEng, BEng)
Teaching Fellow

Contact details
- Tel: +44(0)131 6506487
- Email: K.Mostafa@ed.ac.uk
- Street
4.120 Faraday Building
- City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH9 3DW
KASWAR MOSTAFA received BEng in Electrical Power Engineering from Damascus University, Syria, in 2008, MSc with distinction in Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, The UK, in 2011, and Ph.D from The University of Edinburgh, The UK, in 2018.
Since 2017, Dr. Mostafa has been working as a research associate at The University of Edinburgh. His research interests include: electrical machines, renewable energy, electromagnetic design, and power electronics.
Ph.D, MSc, MEng, and BEng
Undergraduate teaching
- Conceptual Design for Mechanical Engineers 3
- Electrical Engineering 1
- Power Engineering 2
- Power Electronics, Machines and Systems 4
Postgraduate teaching
Power Engineering Laboratory (MSc)
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Past research interests
PhD Thesis: Direct drive wind turbines: the effect of unbalanced magnetic pull on permanent magnet generators and bearing arrangements. https://era.ed.ac.uk/handle/1842/31360Project activity
Dr. Kaswar Mostafa has currently been involved in a few research projects including:
- MEA (Marine Energy Alliance) project to develop and build a wave to wire Simulink model for Wenverter OSWEC (oscillating surge wave energy converter) which is the first product of Wenverter Ltd company.
- EPSRC IAA (Impact Acceleration Account) commercialization project for C-Gen technology. This project aims to produce case studies to integrate the C-Gen machine topologies into different wave and tidal devices, working directly with the industry to gauge the most practical option for manufacture, operation, and maintenance. The project provides industrial confidence in the design, optimization, and manufacturing chain of the C-Gen concept.
In 2021, Dr. Mostafa has completed a one-year system optimization project in advance of the commercial launch of the Seabased company wave-to-grid system. The project included developing electromagnetic and thermal models of Seabased existing linear generator, investigate and use modelling to improve existing design in terms of performance, and overall design optimization.
From 2017 to 2020, Dr. Mostafa was involved in two European H2020 projects representing the University of Edinburgh. The two projects are TiPA (https://www.tipa-h2020.eu/) and EnFAIT (https://www.enfait.eu/).
For TiPA project, he worked on (Work Package 7) determining the approach to be taken to assess (at the design stage), measure (by testing) and maximize (by design optimization) the reliability, survivability, and performance of a direct-drive tidal turbine power take-off accelerator. The approach is formalized and generalized for application to the wider marine energy sector. He developed a water to wire model using Simulink MATLAB, a multi-body model using SIMPACK, Electromagnetic model using FEMM, and a lifetime model using SolidWorks. The project partners are: NOVA Innovation, SKF, Siemens, Wood Group, TUDelft, and RWTH Aachen University.
For EnFAIT project, Dr. Mostafa worked on (Work Package 9) building a Reliability, Availability, Maintainability RAM model for a grid-connected tidal turbine array. The RAM model provides an integrated analysis of expected system performance based on system design, operations, and maintenance drawing on experience of the consortium cross discipline team. In addition to the analytical models, He used Isograph Availability Workbench (AvSim) software. The project partners are: NOVA Innovation, CATAPULT, SKF, ELSA, Mojo Maritime, Wood Group, RSK Environment, and HMK Technical Services.
In 2016, Dr. Mostafa was involved in The Knowledge Exchange Internship (Host Organization: Gaia Wind Ltd). Duties included: developing a complete model of an original and modified small wind turbine frame designs for use in ANSYS, applying environmental loads and wind profiles, verifying initial model of 11kW prototype for a fixed load using experimental results provided by Gaia, producing design load cases for the machine, comparing the lifetime of the two frame designs using SolidWorks, and providing reports and presentations.