Professor John Keen (BVet Med PhD Cert EM (Int Med) Dip ECEIM, FRCVS. RCVS and European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine)
Personal Chair of Equine Cardiovascular Medicine

Contact details
- Street
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and The Roslin Institute
Easter Bush Campus
Midlothian - City
- Post code
- EH25 9RG
Willingness to take Ph.D. students: Yes
RCVS and European Specialist in Equine Medicine (Internal Medicine), Reader in Equine Internal Medicine
Following graduation from the RVC in 1996, John spent 4 years in mixed and then predominantly equine practice before being appointed the RCVS Clarke and Sparrow Resident in Equine Studies at the ‘Dick’ Vet in 2000, where he has remained ever since. He has gained his Certificate in Equine Internal Medicine, MSc by research and a PhD investigating the pharmacology and physiology of digital laminar microvasculature. John was awarded the European Diploma in Equine Internal Medicine in 2007 and has gained RCVS and European specialist status in equine internal medicine.
John is a senior clinician in the Equine Hospital and Chair of Equine Cardiovascular Science. His clinical and research interests include all aspects of internal medicine, but with particular emphasis on cardiovascular disease, metabolic and endocrine disease and the potential links between these disorders. John has extensive experience in equine clinical cardiology in particular and, with two colleagues, runs a peripatetic transvenous electrocardioversion (TVEC) service for treating atrial fibrillation in horses, across the UK.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Glasgow Caledonian University Investigation of the Structure and Function of Equine Laminar Blood Vessels Bachelors in Veterinary Medicine, Royal Veterinary College Master of Science, University of Edinburgh The Role of Oxifdative Stress and Microvascular Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of Laminitis Bachelor of Science, University of Edinburgh
Professional Qualifications
Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Dip ECEIM Cert EM (Int Med) FRCVS
RCVS and European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine
Responsibilities & affiliations
Equine Medicine
Equine Cardiology
Undergraduate teaching
- Senior member of the equine clinical team since 2008, providing teaching to undergraduate students combined with supervision of clinical scholars/DVetMed students
- Core undergraduate teaching, other than final year:
- Lecture courses:
- 4th Year undergraduate;
- 2nd year practical and clinical skills (PandCSII);
- 2nd year GEP.
- Tutorial classes: 3rd Year tutorials, equine medicine (PandCSIII).
- Practical Classes: 2nd 3rd and 4th Year practical classes on equine medicine and clinical skills (PandCSIII and IV).
- Lecture courses:
- Experienced examiner at undergraduate and postgraduate (MSc and PhD) level, internally and externally
- External examiner for the clinical undergraduate veterinary course (BVetMed3, professional course) at Royal Veterinary College, London, 2020-2022; lead examiner 2022.
Postgraduate teaching
- Direct the clinical education of postgraduate veterinary surgeons undertaking senior clinical scholarships/residencies (six as direct supervisor and >20 indirect/advisory role)
- one current DVetMed scholar under supervision.
- Coordinated and taught in the MSc Equine Science module (2005-2010) and supervised over 10 MSc Equine Science projects (part of this taught course)
- Extensive and ongoing portfolio of continuing professional development provision to veterinary surgeons, internally and externally
- Including advanced echocardiography training for specialists from across the world (external course) where I am the principle tutor.
- RCVS Certificate in Equine Internal Medicine Examiner 2009-2011. Chief examiner 2011.
- European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM) examiner 2011-2013, head of exam committee 2012 then leader of change in the exam format 2012-2014.
- National and International PhD examiner: six since 2017
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Areas of interest for supervision
Equine cardiology; equine metabolic and endocrine disorders; laminitis
Current PhD students supervised
Rachel Jago (PhD student, 2017-present; 1st Supervisor)
Janny Brown (PhD, 2017-present; 1st Supervisor)
Miranda Dos (DVet Med, 2021-present; 1st Supervisor)
Past PhD students supervised
Gemma Pearson (PhD 2016-2020, Senior Supervisor)
Francesca Worsman (MSc Res 2017-2021, 1st Supervisor)
Ruth Morgan (PhD 2012-2016, 1st Supervisor)
Ruth Clements (PhD 2010-2013; 1st Supervisor)
Research summary
The equine cardiovascular system and its relationship to endocrinological disorders such as equine metabolic syndrome and pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction.
Current research interests
Developing novel tools for equine clinical cardiology; Advanced cardiac imaging (equine); Clinical management of Equine Grass Sickess;Past research interests
Equine behaviour; Endocrine disorders including the equine metabolic syndrome and pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction; Laminitis; Equine gastroenterology andl cyathostomes;Knowledge exchange
Extensive and ongoing portfolio of knowledge exchange provision over the last 20 years to horse owners and the public throughout the UK and internationally, through presentations and publications
Project activity
Structure and function of the equine athletic heart