Dr Jessie Paterson

Lecturer in Student Learning


I graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Agricultural Chemistry from the University of Glasgow and then carried out a PhD in 'Factors influencing the availability of cobalt in soils, uptake by herbage and ruminant health and productivity’ from University of Glasgow (with Scottish Agricultural College, Ayr). I then worked for eight years as a Specialist Advisor in major and trace elements for the SAC before taking over the management of the Analytical Services Department, Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh.

In 1999, I joined the University of Edinburgh and worked in the School of Divinity initially as the Computing Officer and latterly as E-learning and IT Advisor. During that time, I developed a strong interest in student support and in particular supporting students with their learning. In 2012, I joined the R(D)SVS initially as a Teaching Fellow and more recently as a Lecturer in Student Learning.


Doctor of Science, The University of Glasgow Factors influencing the availability of cobalt in soils, uptake by herbage and ruminant health and productivity Bachelor of Science, The University of Glasgow


Postgraduate Diploma (distinction) e-learning from University of Edinburgh

Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy

Responsibilities & affiliations

UG teaching staff, PG teaching staff, Student support

Undergraduate teaching

Year 1

Professional & Clinical Skills 1

Year GEP

The Animal Body, Professional & Clinical Skills GEP

Year 2

Student Selected Component 1

Year 3

Professional & Clinical Skills 3

Year 4

Professional & Clinical Skills 4

Year 5

Student Selected Component 2


Postgraduate teaching

All Years

Professional Development

PG (MSc Taught courses)

Academic Study Skills for Postgraduate Students

Research summary

Student learning, study skills support (including the use of Peers), student assessment, learning and assessment generally

Current research interests

I am interested in all aspects of student learning and how we can support our students through their time at University. I have a particular interest in how this can be facilitated through the use of peers (students in later years of the degree) as well as how as academics can support student development and understanding of what works for them.