Dr George Addo Opoku-Pare

Thesis title: Psoriatic Arthritis, comorbidity and treatment burden: Personalised risk stratification based on risk of adverse clinical outcomes


I am a first year PhD student with a background in Medicine and Public Health Epidemiology. I will be investigating psoriatic arthritis (PsA) , multiple long-term conditions and the treatment burden : personalised risk stratification based on risk of  adverse clinical outcomes. My project involves using routinely collected data and prospective research cohorts of people with psoriatic arthritis to understand the implications of presence of other long-term conditions and measure treatment burden in psoriatic arthritis. We also want to find out how multiple long-term conditions and treatment burden is associated with disease-specific and adverse clinical outcomes in psoriatic arthritis.

Research summary

Cardiovascular disease (CVD)


Polygenic risk scores (PRS)

Current research interests

Multiple Long term Conditions eg. Cardio-metabolic Diseases
  • MSc Public Health (Epidemiology) - University of Glasgow
  • BSc (Hons) Human Biology - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  • MBChB (Medicine)- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology