Dr Emma Keeble
DVREP Senior Lecturer and Vet Clinician

Contact details
- Email: Emma.Keeble@ed.ac.uk
- Street
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Easter Bush Campus
Midlothian - City
- Post code
- EH25 9RG
Tues - Thurs 8.30-2.30pm
Emma Keeble graduated from the University of Bristol in 1994 and gained initial experience in a mixed veterinary practice, before becoming a wildlife veterinarian for the RSPCA and then operating a small animal exotic referral service.
In 1999 she joined the University of Edinburgh Exotic Animal and Wildlife Service as a Resident in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine and obtained the RCVS certificate in Zoological Medicine. She then gained the post of Lecturer within the Service teaching veterinary students and lecturing in exotic animal, zoo and wildlife medicine. She gained her RCVS Diploma in Zoological Medicine (Mammalian) in 2006 and achieved specialist status in 2007, one of only a handful of UK vets to hold these qualifications.
She lectures to veterinary professionals nationally and internationally on exotic pet, zoo and wildlife medicine. She is published widely in veterinary books on exotic pets, wildlife casualties, reptile neurology and rabbit neurology, and has edited books on rabbit, ferret and rodent medicine and surgery and wildlife casualties. She has a high clinical teaching caseload of pet exotic species and has a particular interest in Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in pet rabbits.
Clinical Expertise and Specialisation
Provision of veterinary care of exotic pet species and wildlife, including public consultancy and veterinary referrals.
Part responsible for running daily exotic animal clinics, with wide experience in reptile, avian, rodent and rabbit medicine, surgery and emergency care and a significant referral case load.
Provision of out-of-hours cover for emergency treatment of exotic animal pets, zoo animals and wildlife species, fulfilling the requirement of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Provision of specialist veterinary advice on animal health and welfare issues to members of the profession throughout the UK and Europe.
Contribution to Edinburgh University undergraduate clinical teaching in exotic animal, zoo and wildlife medicine and surgery.
Dip Zoo Med (Mammalian)
RCVS Recognised Specialist in Zoo and Wildife Medicine
Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Bristol University
Professional Qualifications
RCVS Diploma in Zoological Medicine (Mammalian), Dip ZooMed (Mammalian) RCVS Certificate in Zoological Medicine, Cert ZooMed2007RCVS Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Responsibilities & affiliations
Exotic Animal and Wildlife Senior Lecturer and Clinician
Dick Vet Rabbit and Exotic Animal Practice
Undergraduate teaching
Lecturer BVM&S undergraduate course Edinburgh University
Examiner Edinburgh University RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice