Dr Derek Jones (BA (Hons) Sociology; Diploma of the College of Occupational Therapists; PhD.)
Programme Director: PhD Clinical Education
- Edinburgh Medical School
- Medical Education
Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 242 6536
- Email: derek.jones@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Chancellor's Building
- City
- Little France
- Post code
- EH16 4SB
I am the Programme Director for the PhD Clinical Education Programme. I am also Academic Coordinator on the MSc in Clinical Education. This role involves development of an online learning curriculum; as well as teaching, assessment, student support and dissertation supervision of those invoved in undergraduate and post graduate education of health professionals (including doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other allied health professionals).
I have been teaching health and social care professionals since 1993 at undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral level. Before joining the MSc Clinical Education in October 2015 I worked at Queen Margaret University, Glasgow Caledonian University, Northumbria University, and as a self employed researcher and academic coach.
1984 BA (Hons) Sociology. University of York
1987 Diploma of the College of Occupational Therapists, Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic
2005 PhD Attitudes and Beliefs about Chronic Non-Cancer Pain and the Role of Education in Preparing Community Based Health and Social Care Professionals to Undertake Pain Management. Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh.
2016 Snr Fellow Higher Education Academy
Responsibilities & affiliations
External Examiner: Kings College (London) MSc Clinical Education
Undergraduate teaching
MBChB Year 1 Health Ethics & Society: Disability, Stigma & Discrimination
Postgraduate teaching
MSc Clinical Education
PG Cert: Principles of Teaching & Learning (Tutor)
PG Cert: The Curriculum (Course Organiser)
PG Dip: Research Methods in Clinical Education (Course Organiser); Policy, Leadership & Management (Course Organiser)
MSc: Dissertation (Supervisor)
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Areas of interest for supervision
I have supervised doctoral researchers who have used a range of qualitative methodologies including classic grounded theory and IPA. I have experience of: examining (Phd and MPhil); convening review panels; and as a non-examining chair for viva-voce.
Current PhD students supervised
2 PhD, 1 MD
Past PhD students supervised
- MPhil: 1
- Professional Doctorate: 1
- PhD: 7
Research summary
- Measurement of attitudes and beliefs.
- Pain education for health professionals.
- Assessment feedback.
- Application of sociological theory to pedagogic research.
Current research interests
Assessment feedback. Experiences of online learning.Past research interests
Older people and self management of persistent pain. Employment and condition management.Project activity
My research has been broadly in the field of persistent pain with a specific focus on pain education for health professionals, and pain self management for older people.
Current project grants
2017-18 Principal's Teaching Award Scheme (PI): How is good feedback expressed? A corpus analysis of feedback provided by EUSA Teaching Awards (Best Feedback) nominees.
Past project grants
2012-2014 Co- applicant: HEA Collaborative Award. Flo’s story: the development of an online interactive learning package about persistent pain in older people.
2010-2014 Co- Principal Investigator: UK Joint Research Council Lifelong Health & Well-being Programme: EOPIC - Engaging with Older People in developing and designing Interventions for the management of Chronic pain.
2008-2010 Co-applicant: ESRC Seminars Series. Pain and Older People.
2008-2009 Local Investigator: British Pain Society. Survey of Undergraduate Education on Pain.
Jones D (2013) Social Constructionism. In Davies M (ed.) Blackwell Companion to Social Work (4th ed.) Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 473-476
Jones D, Schofield P, (2011) Pain and Older People. In Tolson, D, Booth J, Lawrence M, Schofield I (Eds.) Evidence Informed Nursing with Older People. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell p188-207
Jones D, Martin D, (2003) Managing Pain. In Donaghy M, Fever S (Eds.) Interventions for Mental Health: An Evidence Based Approach for Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists. Edinburgh: Butterworth-Heinemann p136-145
Jones D (1998) Deviance. In Jones D, Blair S, Hartery T, Jones RK (Eds) Sociology & Occupational Therapy: An Integrated Approach. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. p93-104
Jones RK, Jones D (1998) Health & Illness. In Jones D, Blair S, Hartery T, Jones RK (Eds) Sociology & Occupational Therapy: An Integrated Approach. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. p105-115
Invited contributions to symposia and conferences
Invited keynote speaker: European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education Annual Meeting 2013 York: Heading Towards Horizon 2020.
Invited speaker: British Pain Society ASM 2012, Liverpool (Workshop Session B4): Using theoretical constructs to interrogate qualitative data.
Invited speaker: Pain Management Programmes Conference 2007, Southampton: Pain and Supported Employment.
Invited speaker: National Association for Colitis and Crohn’s Disease (Young Adults Group) International Meeting 2005, Edinburgh: A Biopsychosocial Perspective on Pain.
Invited speaker: Scottish Society of Rehabilitation Spring Meeting 2004, Dundee: Evaluating Continuing Professional Education on Chronic Pain.
Invited speaker: Pain Management Programmes Conference 1997, Manchester: Becoming a Person with Pain: A Sociological Perspective.
Selected Scientific Posters
Jones D, Aitken G (2016) Tutors' Experience of Delivering Audio Feedback Using GradeMark. 6th Scottish National Medical Educators Conference, Edinburgh
Wilson G, Jones D, Schofield P, & Martin D. (2013). The use of the Sensecam to explore daily functioning of older adults with chronic pain. Proceedings of the 4th International SenseCam & Pervasive Imaging Conference (pp. 76-77). ACM.
Carr E, Briggs E, Briggs M, Allcock N, Jones D, Black P (2013) Undergraduate pain curricula for healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom: challenges and successes EFIC Congress Florence
Jones D, Martin D, Schofield P, McNamee P, Grey D, Anthony G, Clarke A, Smith B (2012) Experiences and Expectations: findings from focus groups of older people attending pain clinics. (Book of Abstracts British Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Liverpool) London: British Pain Society
Graham B J M, Jones D, McMenemy M, Martin D (2007) Does the use of a Patient Held Record Improve Outcomes for Acute Back Pain Patients? (Book of Abstracts British Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Glasgow) London: British Pain Society
Gillespie A, Gordon T Graham K, Jones D, Nairn M, Wilson G (2007) Introducing qualitative evidence into clinical practice guidelines: a pilot project in cancer pain. 4th Guidelines International Network Conference, Toronto
Mortimer CM, Jones D, Martin D, Ziebland S (2005) Development and launch of a module on chronic pain for the DIPEx information website. (CD ROM of Abstracts IASP 11th World Congress on Pain, Sydney) Seattle: IASP, Abstract #P134