Charley Xia

Research Associate

  • Psychology
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

Contact details



Psychology Building

7 George Square, Edinburgh
Post code


Charley undertook his MSc in Quantitative Genetics at University of Edinburgh and his PhD at IGMM on exploring human complex trait architecture. Following PhD completion, he joined the Roslin Institute as a research fellow to continue his research on human complex trait architecture in UKBB. In 2020,  he joined W. David Hill's group at School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences  as a research assistant, to study the trait architecture of cognitive ability and socioeconomic position. 


2018 PhD. Genetics and Molecular Medicine at University of Edinburgh, UK

2018 HEA associate fellowship

2013 MSc. Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis at University of Edinbrugh, UK

2012 BSc. Biological Science at Fudan University, China


Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Current PhD students supervised

2024-2026. Lei Wei, Visiting PhD student. 

Current research interests

Understanding the architecture of traits related to cognitive functions, the genomic and environmental factors contributed to the cognition and the relationship between cognitive ability and health.