Professor Douglas Cairns (MA, PhD, FHEA, FRSE, FBA, MAE)
Professor of Classics

Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 651 1647
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- School of History, Classics and Archaeology
- Research in a Nutshell
- Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies lecture, 13 November 2014: 'The Horror and the Pity: Phrike as a Tragic Emotion'.
- 'The Horror and the Pity: Phrike as a Tragic Emotion' Handout
- ‘Language, Literature, and History in the Study of Emotion’, 14 April 2016
- ‘The world as we feel it’ Project
- Royal Society of Medicine talk on hubris
- Street
10.05, David Hume Tower, George Square
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Please contact by e-mail
A Glaswegian, I graduated with MA (Hons) in Classics, University of Glasgow, in 1983 and received the PhD in Greek, University of Glasgow, in 1987.
I have been Lecturer in Greek, University of St Andrews, 1986; Post-doctoral Fellow, Leverhulme Trust, Georg-August Universität, Göttingen, 1987-8; Lecturer in Classics, University of Otago, 1988-92; Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Classics, University of Leeds, 1992-9; Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Classics, University of Glasgow, 1999-2004. I took up the Chair of Classics at Edinburgh on 1 September 2004 and served as Head of Classics 2004-5 and Head of School from 2005-8.
I was a Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung in 1993-5 (Georg-August Universität, Göttingen), 2011 (Humboldt Universität, Berlin), and 2016 (Technische Universität Dresden), and held a Major Research Fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust from 2008-11 and a Senior Research Fellowship from the ERC/Oxford University Project, The Social and Cultural Construction of Emotions, 2012-13. I directed the AHRC-funded project, A History of Distributed Cognition (2014-18) and the Leverhulme Trust International Research Network, Emotions through Time (2016-18). From 2018--23 I was director of the ERC AdG Project, Honour in Classical Greece. In 2018--19, I was Mercator Fellow, GRK ‘Frühe Konzepte von Mensch und Natur: Universalität, Spezifität, Tradierung’, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, and from 2018 ro 2020 I was funded by a BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant for the project 'In the mind, in the body and in the world: emotions in ancient Greece and China'.
In 2008 I was Visiting Professor in Classics, Kyoto University, Japan. I have been Peter A. Vlachos Lecturer in Classics (Colby College, 2007), Margaret Heavey Lecturer in Classics (NUI Galway, 2009), Platsis Symposiast (University of Michigan, 2009). George R. Langford Family Eminent Scholar Chair, Florida State University (2012), and Visiting Professor in Classics at the University of Pisa (2017). I have taught also at the University of Bologna (2013, 2017), International Christian University, Tokyo (2017), Tokyo University (2017), Fu Jen University, Taiwan (2018), Scuola Normale di Pisa (2021), Università di Cagliari (2022).
I was elected to membership of Academia Europaea in September 2013, to a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in February 2018, and to a Fellowship of the British Academy in July 2018.
In January 2018 I was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung's Anneliese Maier-Forschungspreis.
I am or have been involved in the following international collaborations:
Affiliated researcher, Excellenz-Cluster, Languages of Emotion, Freie Universität Berlin, 2011-12
Member, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, University of Oslo/Norwegian Academy, September 2011-
Member, Swiss Center for Affective Science, May 2013-
Member, Groupe de recherche international AITIA/AITIAI – Le lien causal dans la pensée antique: origines, formes et transformations (funded by CNRS Paris; Coimbra, Edinburgh, Oxford, Paris, Sao Paolo, Venice), 2014-18
PI, Leverhulme International Research Network, Emotions through Time, with colleagues in Cyprus, Edinburgh, London, Odense, and Vienna, 2016-18.
Joint project (with C. Virag), In the mind, in the body and in the world: emotions in ancient Greece and China (BA/ACLS funded), 2018-20
Member, Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies, University of Coimbra, 2020–
Member, Project METra (Mapping epic in tragedy), with Universities of Pisa, Valencia, and Verona, 2021–4
Member, International Research Project (IRP) PATHOS. Passions, actions et réactions dans le monde antique (CNRS, Paris), with Universities of Bologna, Bergamo, Genova, Lisbon (Nova), UNAM Mexico City, Paris (Sorbonne/Centre L. Robin), Pontificia Univ. Catolica (Chile), Sao Paulo, 2021—5
Board member, Diegesis in Mind: Cognitive Disciplines and Ancient Narratives in Dialogue, University of St Andrews, 2022–
Board member, Neurohumanities, University of Catania, 2022–
Responsibilities & affiliations
- Vice-President, The Classical Association
- Chair, Board of Trustees, Edinburgh University Press
- Chair of Council, The Classical Association (2019--24)
- Editor, Journal of Hellenic Studies (2016--20)
- Chair, Classical Association Journals Board (2015--20)
- Member, Editorial Board, Lexis: Ancient Philosophy (Ca' Foscari)
- Series editor, Edinburgh Leventis Studies
- Series editor, The Edinburgh History of Distributed Cognition (with M. Anderson)
- Series editor, Emotions in Antiquary (Mom Siebeck)
- Member, Leverhulme Trust Research Awards Advisory Committee
- Member, GEV 10, VQR 2011-2014
- Research Assessor, Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
- Member, sub-panel 29, REF 2021
Undergraduate teaching
Beginners Greek
Elementary Greek (PG)
Honours Greek: Lyric
Honours Greek: Homer
Honours Greek: Tragedy
Postgraduate teaching
Society and Ethics in Homer and Hesiod
Areas of interest for supervision
(i) Human Beings in the Iliad
(ii) Reading Quintus Reading Homer
(ii) Eros in the Greek Novel
(iv) Artemis in Magna Graecia
(v) Religion in Herodotus
(vi) Psychological Imagery in Ap. Rhod.
(vii) Xenophon’s Theory of Moral Education
(viii) Fate and Determinism in Sophocles’ Theban Plays
(ix) Demeter in Hellenistic Poetry
(x) The Body in the Mind in Homer
(xi) Politics, Ideology, and Economy in the Pindaric World
(xii) Pindar, Sophocles, and Archaic Greek Thought
(xiii) Music and Emotions in the Ancient Aristotelian Tradition
(xiv) Myth in Athenian Oratory
(xv) Greek Parodic Poetry
(xvi) The Myth of the Leucippides,
(xvii) Antigone in the Twentieth Century
(xviii) The Social Therapeutic Function of Greek Tragedy through the Lens of Lev S. Vygotsky
(xix) Heterosexual Erôs in Greek Tragedy
(xx) Archilochean Poetics
(xxi) Emotions and Politics in the Iliad
(xxii) Becoming a God in Ancient Greek Thought
Current PhD students supervised
Degree - Thesis topic - Supervision type
PhD - Archilochean Poetics - Secondary
PhD- Fable and Simile in Homer -- secondary
PhD - Dokimasia - Joint
PhD - Dreams in Aeschylus - Primary
PhD - Pleasure, Pain, and Emotion in Ancient Greek Philosophy -Primary
Past PhD students supervised
Degree - Thesis topic - Supervision type - Completion year
PhD - Emotional Politics in the Iliad - Primary - 2021
PhD - Honour and the family in Classical Athens - Joint - 2023
PhD - Atimia in Athens - Joint - 2023
PhD - Becoming a God in Ancient Greek Thought - Primary 2022
PhD - Metaphors for rivalry and jealousy in Greek and Latin - Secondary - 2023
PhD - Heterosexual Erôs in Greek Tragedy - Primary - 2020
PhD - Greek Parodic Poetry - Primary - 2020
PhD - The Myth of the Leucippides - Primary - 2019
PhD - Antigone in the Twentieth Century - Primary - 2019
PhD - Myth in Athenian Oratory - Secondary - 2019
PhD - Music and Emotions in the Ancient Aristotelian Tradition - Secondary - 2017
PhD - Sophocles and Archaic Greek Thought - Primary - 2017
PhD - Politics, Ideology, and Economy in the Pindaric World - Primary - 2017
PhD - The Body in the Mind in Homer - Primary - 2016
PhD - Demeter in Hellenistic Poetry - Secondary - 2014
PhD - On the Razor’s Edge of Fate: Fate and Determinism in Sophocles’ Theban Plays - Primary - 2014
PhD - Xenophon’s Theory of Moral Education - Primary - 2014
PhD - Psychological Imagery in Apollonius Rhodius - Primary - 2014
PhD - Religion in Herodotus - Primary - 2013 PhD - Artemis in Magna Graecia - Primary - 2010
PhD - Metaphor and Emotion: Eros in the Greek Novel - Primary - 2010
PhD - Reading Quintus Reading Homer: Intertextual Engagement in Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica - Secondary - 2009
PhD - Deiloi Brotoi: Human Beings in the Iliad - Primary - 2008
Research summary
- Mediterranean
- Ancient Civilisations
- Culture
- Gender
- Ideas
- Language & Literature
- Politics
- Religion
- Society
- Antiquity
Research interests
I work on Greek society and ethics, especially the emotions, and especially as these are reflected in Greek epic, tragedy, and lyric poetry.
Watch a short video of Professor Cairns speaking about his research interests - Media Hopper
Current research interests
Language, emotion, and society in Classical Greece; Sophocles’ Antigone; history of distributed cognition; ancient emotions in Byzantine Greek; honour in classical Greece.Knowledge exchange
History of Distributed Cogniition (impact case study)
The Extended Mind (AHRC funded, Talbot Rice Gallery. October 2019 to January 2020)
Project activity
Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship, Language, emotion, and society in Classical Greece (2008-11)
ERC-funded research project, Mind, Body, and Metaphor in Ancient Greek Concepts of Emotion (2012-13)
AHRC Research Grant, A History of Distributed Cognition (2014-17):
Leverhulme Trust International Research Network, Emotions through Time: From Antiquity to Byzantium (2016-18):
ERC Advanced Grant, Honour in Classical Greece (2018-23):
BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant, In the mind, in the body and in the world: emotions in ancient Greece and China
Sophocles: Antigone (London: Bloomsbury, 2016)
Bacchylides: Five Epinician Odes (3, 5, 9, 11 and 13) (Cambridge: Francis Cairns Publications Ltd, 2010)
Aidôs: The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993)
Edited Books
(with C. Virág), In the Mind, in the Body, in the World: Emotions in Early China and Ancient Greece (New York: OUP, 2024)
Contempt: Ancient and Modern (= Emotion Review 15.3, 2023)
Emotions in Contexts: Cultural Conceptions in Ancient and Mediaeval Societies (special issue of Aestimatio n.s. 3.2, 2022 )
(with M. Hinterberger, A. Pizzone, and M. Zaccarini), Emotions through Time: From Antiquity to Byzantium (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022)
(with I. Wang), Between Body, Soul, Spirit, and Mind: Well-Being, Malady, and Remedy from Antiquity to Early Modernity (= Wenshan Review 15.2, Taipei: Taiwan National University Press, 2022)
A Cultural History of the Emotions in Antiquity (London: Bloomsbury, 2019)
(with M J Anderson and M Sprevak), Distributed Cognition in Classical Antiquity (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018)
(with D P Nelis), Seneca’s Tragic Passions (= Maia 692, Rome, 2017)
(with M Alexiou), Greek Laughter and Tears: Antiquity and After (Edinburgh University Press, 2017)
(with D P Nelis), Emotions in the Classical World: Methods, Approaches, and Directions (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2017)
(with L Fulkerson), Emotions between Greece and Rome (BICS Supplement 125, London, 2015)
(with R Scodel), Defining Greek Narrative, Edinburgh Leventis Studies 7 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014)
(with S Blundell and N S Rabinowitz), Vision and Viewing in Ancient Greece (= Helios 401-2, 2013)
Tragedy and Archaic Greek Thought (Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2013)
(with F-G Herrmann and T Penner), Pursuing the Good: Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato’s Republic (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007)
(with V Liapis), Dionysalexandros: Essays on Aeschylus and his Fellow Tragedians in Honour of Alexander F Garvie(Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2006)
Body Language in the Greek and Roman Worlds (Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2005)
(with R A Knox), Law, Rhetoric, and Comedy in Classical Athens: Essays in Honour of Douglas M MacDowell(Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2004)
Oxford Readings in Homer’s Iliad (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001)
Articles and book chapters
Introduction, Emotions in Contexts: Cultural Conceptions in Ancient and Mediaeval Societies (special issue of Aestimatio n.s. 3.2, 2022), 1–9.
‘Introduction: Emotions as a Topic of Cross-cultural and Historical Investigation’ (with C. Virág) in D. Cairns and C. Virág, In the Mind, in the Body, in the World: Emotions in Early China and Ancient Greece (New York: OUP, 2024), 1–37.
‘La questione di ἐλπίς, della "speranza" e dell'"emozione" nel Filebo di Platone’, in L. Candiotto and A. Stavru (eds.), Poikilia delle emozioni: la complessità dei pathe in Platone (Pistoia: Petite plaisance, 2024), 173—94.
‘Emotions’, In Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2015. Article published August 23, 2023; last modified, August 23, 2023. doi:
(with M. Canevaro and K. Mantzouranis) ‘Recognition and Redistribution in Aristotle’s Account of Stasis: A Response to Our Critics’, Polis 40 (2023) 349–68. doi:10.1163/20512996-12340413
Homer, Aristotle, and the Nature of Compassion’, in R. Barth, U.-E. Eisen, and M. Fritz (eds.), Barmherzigkeit: Das Mitgefühl im Brennpunkt von Ethik und Religion (Religiöse Dynamiken in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023), 11–36
‘Introduction: Contempt, Ancient and Modern’, Emotion Review 15.3 (2023), 161–7
Introduction to special issue, D. Cairns and I. Wang (eds.), Between Body, Soul, Spirit, and Mind: Well-Being, Malady, and Remedy from Antiquity to Early Modernity, Wenshan Review 15.2 (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2022), i–v
Introduction, Emotions in Contexts: Cultural Conceptions in Ancient and Mediaeval Societies (special issue of Aestimatio n.s. 3.2, 2022), 1–9
‘Homero, Aristóteles y la naturaleza de la compasión’, Circe 26.2 (2022), 45–74 (
‘Introduction A: Emotions through Time?’ in D. Cairns, M. Hinterberger, A. Pizzone, and M. Zaccarini (eds.), Emotions through Time: From Antiquity to Byzantium (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 2022), 3–33
‘Introduction B: Emotion Research in Classics’, in D. Cairns, M. Hinterberger, A. Pizzone, and M. Zaccarini (eds.), Emotions through Time: From Antiquity to Byzantium (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 2022), 35–40
Mental Conflict from Homer to Eustathius’, in D. Cairns, M. Hinterberger, A. Pizzone, and M. Zaccarini (eds.), Emotions through Time: From Antiquity to Byzantium (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022), 227–46
‘Can We Find Hope in Ancient Greek Philosophy? Elpis in Plato and Aristotle’, in D. Konstan (ed.), Emotions across Cultures: Ancient China and Greece (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022), 41–74
(with Mirko Canevaro and Kleanthis Mantzouranis), ‘Recognition and Redistribution in Aristotle’s Account of Stasis’, Polis 39.1 (2022), 1–34
‘Anchoring the Tripartite Soul’, in E Poddighe and T Pontillo (eds), Resisting and Justifying Changes: How to Make the New Acceptable in the Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern World (Nuova Biblioteca di Studi Classici e Orientali, Pisa: Pisa University Press, 2021), 181–209
‘Classics Education in Scotland: A Sketch’, in A Fricke and M Reith (eds), Latein und Griechisch im 21. Jahrhundert (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2021), 189–206
‘Anger’, in C. A. Baron (ed.), The Herodotus Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021), 81–4
‘Emotions’, in C. A. Baron (ed.), The Herodotus Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021), 498–502
‘Grief’, in in C. A. Baron (ed.), The Herodotus Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021), 626–8
‘Honor’, in in C. A. Baron (ed.), The Herodotus Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021), 703–6
‘Nakedness’, in C. A. Baron (ed.), The Herodotus Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021), 957–8
‘Shame’, in C. A. Baron (ed.), The Herodotus Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021), 1318–20
‘Vengeance’, in C. A. Baron (ed.), The Herodotus Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021), 1518–22
Commentary on Y. Saito, ‘Fast-flash Shining Aspect of Homeric Expressions’, in S. Ranieri and A. Roncaglia (eds.), Ricerche a confronto 2015: dialoghi di antichità classiche e del vicino Oriente (Bologna: Edizioni Saecula, 2020), 138–42 (+ biblio. on p. 415)
‘The Dynamics of Emotion in Euripides’ Medea’, Greece & Rome 68 (2021), 8–26
‘Thymos in Homer: Philological, Oral-poetic, and Cognitive Approaches’, Quaestiones Oralitatis 4 (2018/2019) [2021], 13–30
‘Hybris e ingiustizia in Aristotele’, Rivista di diritto ellenico 9 (2019) [2021], 15–42
(with Mirko Canevaro and Kleanthis Mantzouranis) ‘Aristotle on the Causes of Civil Strife: Subjective Dispositions, Proportional Justice, and the “Occasions” of Stasis’, Maia 722 (2020), 551–70
‘Hybris and Injustice in Aristotle’, in C Veillard, O Renaut, and D El Murr (eds) Les philosophes face au vice, de Socrate à Augustin (Leiden: Brill, 2020), 147–74
‘Phaedra’s Fantasy Other: Phenomenology and the Enactive Mind in Euripides’ Hippolytus’, in M Liatsi (ed), Ethics in Ancient Greek Literature: Aspects of Ethical Reasoning from Homer to Aristotle and Beyond (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 117–28
‘Hope in Archaic and Classical Greek’, in C Blöser and T Stahl (eds), The Moral Psychology of Hope (Lanham MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2020), 15–36
‘Emotion and the Communicability of Suffering: Richard Gaskin’s Tragedy and Redress’, British Journal of Aesthetics 603 (2020), 351–7
‘Honour and Kingship in Herodotus: Status, Role, and the Limits of Self-Assertion’, Frontiers of Philosophy in China 141 (2019), 75–93 (special issue on ‘Virtues, Roles, Duties in Early China and Graeco-Roman Antiquity’)
‘The Politics of Antigone’s Lament from Sophocles to Heaney’, The Lament in Ancient Greek Drama, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Ancient Greek Drama (Nicosia: Cyprus Centre of the International Theatre Institute, 2019), 36–44
'Thymos', Oxford Classical Dictionary (online at http://oxfordrecom/classics/view/101093/acrefore/97801993811350010001/acrefore-9780199381135-e-8180)
‘Introduction: Emotion History and the Classics’, in Cairns (ed), A Cultural History of the Emotions in Antiquity (above), 1–15
'Introduction: Distributed Cognition and the Classics’ in Anderson, Cairns, and Sprevak (eds), The Edinburgh History of Distributed Cognition vol 1 (above), 18–36
‘Fascism on Stage? Jean Anouilh’s Antigone’, in S Bigliazzi, G Ugolini, F Lupi (eds), Synagonizesthai: Essays in Honour of Guido Avezzù, Skenè, Texts and Studies series, Studies 1 (Verona 2018), 807–33
‘Horror, compaixão e o visual na estética Grega Antiga’, in M C de Miranda N Coelho (ed), Retórica, Persuasão e Emoções – ensaios filosóficos e literários (Belo Horizonte: Relicário, 2018), 69–102
‘Mente, Metáfora y Emoción en Eurípides (Hipólito) y Séneca (Fedra)’, in Claudia N Fernández, Juan T Nápoli, Graciela C Zecchin De Fasano (eds), [Una] nueva visión de la cultura griega Antigua en el comienzo del tercer milenio: perspectivas y desafíos(La Plata: EdULP, 2018) 47–84
‘Word and Deed: Brendan Kennelly’s Antigone’, Classics Ireland 23–24 (2016–17), 106–33 [published 2018]
‘Homeric Values and the Virtues of Kingship’, in F H Mutschler (ed), The Homeric Epics and the Chinese Book of Songs: Foundation Texts Compared (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2017), 381–409
'The Destruction of Thebes in Brecht’s Antigone (1948)’, in I Torrance (ed), Aeschylus and War: Comparative Perspectives on Seven Against Thebes (London: Routledge, 2017), 186–201
(with M Alexiou) Introduction, in M Alexiou and D Cairns (eds), Greek Laughter and Tears: Antiquity and After (Edinburgh Leventis Studies 8, Edinburgh University Press, 2017), 1–24
‘The Tripartite Soul as Metaphor’, in P Destrée and R G Edmonds (eds), Plato and the Power of Images (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 219–38
‘Mind, Metaphor, and Emotion in Euripides (Hippolytus) and Seneca (Phaedra)’, in D Cairns and D Nelis (eds), Seneca’s Tragic Passions, Maia 692 (2017), 247–67
(with Damien Nelis) 'Introduction', in D L Cairns and D P Nelis (eds), Emotions in the Classical World: Methods, Approaches, and Directions (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2017), 7-30
‘Horror, Pity, and the Visual in Ancient Greek Aesthetics’, in in D L Cairns and D P Nelis (eds), Emotions in the Classical World: Methods, Approaches, and Directions (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2017), 53–77
'Emotions', The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (2016, online)
'Mind, Body, and Metaphor in Ancient Greek Concepts of Emotion’, L’Atelier du Centre de recherche historique 16 (2016): http:// acrhrevuesorg/7416
‘Clothed in Shamelessness, Shrouded in Grief: The Role of “Garment” Metaphors in Ancient Greek Concepts of Emotion’, in G Fanfani, M Harlow, and M-L Nosch (eds), Spinning Fates and the Song of the Loom: The Use of Textiles, Clothing and Cloth Production as Metaphor, Symbol, and Narrative (Oxford: Oxbow, 2016), 25-41
‘Metaphors for Hope in Early Greek Literature’, in R R Caston and R A Kaster (eds), Hope, Joy, and Affection in the Classical World (Festschrift for David Konstan) (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), 13-44
‘Der iliadische Zorn und die transkulturelle Emotionsforschung’, in M von Koppenfels and C Zumbusch (eds), Handbuch Literatur und Emotionen (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016), 179-208
(with Laurel Fulkerson) Introduction, in D Cairns and L Fulkerson (eds), Emotions between Greece and Rome (London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2015), 1-22
‘The Horror and the Pity: Phrike as a Tragic Emotion’, Psychoanalytic Inquiry 34 (2015), 75-94
‘The First Odysseus: Iliad, Odyssey, and the Ideology of Kingship’, Gaia 18 (2015), 51-66
‘Revenge, Punishment, and Justice in Athenian Homicide Law’, Journal of Value Enquiry 49 (2015), 645-65
‘The Bloody Dust of the Nether Gods: Sophocles, Antigone 599-603’, in E K Emilsson, A Maravela, and M Skoie (eds), Paradeigmata: Studies in Honour of Øivind Andersen (Norwegian Institute at Athens: Athens, 2014), 39-51
‘λόγου τ’ ἄνοια καὶ φρενῶν Ἐρινύς: Atê in Sophocles’ Antigone’, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Ancient Greek Drama (Cyprus Centre of the International Theatre Institute, 2014), 37-54
‘Psyche, Thymos, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato’, Les Études Platoniciennes 11 (2014) online http://etudesplatoniciennesrevuesorg/566)
‘Exemplarity and Narrative in the Greek Tradition’ (abridged), Humanities 45 (2014), 27-67
‘Roman Imperium, Greek Paideia: Plutarch’s Lives of Aemilius and Timoleon’, Horizons 51 (2014), 5-28
‘Euripides’ Medea: Feminism or Misogyny?’, in D Stuttard (ed), Looking at Medea (London: Bloomsbury, 2014), 123-37
‘Response to M Anzai’, Japan Studies in Classical Antiquity 2 (2014), 166-72
‘From Solon to Sophocles: Intertextuality and Interpretation in Sophocles’ Antigone’, Japan Studies in Classical Antiquity 2 (2014), 3-30
‘Exemplarity and Narrative in the Greek Tradition’, in D Cairns and R Scodel, Defining Greek Narrative (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014), 103-36
(with S Blundell, E M Craik, and N S Rabinowitz) Introduction, in S Blundell, D Cairns, and N S Rabinowitz, Vision and Viewing in Ancient Greece (Helios 401-2, 2013), 3-38
'Atê', in H Roisman (ed), Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), 153-5
'Grief', in H Roisman (ed), Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), 656-9
‘Honor and Shame', in H Roisman (ed), Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), 694-7
'Hybris', in H Roisman (ed), Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), 702-6
'Koros', in H Roisman (ed), Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), 751-2
'Revenge', in H Roisman (ed), Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), 1167-70
'Sôphrosynê, in H Roisman (ed), Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), 1330-2
'A Short History of Shudders' in A Chaniotis & P Ducrey (eds), Unveiling Emotions II: Emotions in Greece and Rome: Texts, Images, and Material Culture Franz Steiner, Stuttgart, Stuttgart, pp 85-107 (2013)
‘Introduction: Archaic Thought and Tragic Interpretation’, in D Cairns (ed), Tragedy and Archaic Greek Thought (Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2013), ix-liv
‘Divine and Human Action in Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus’, in D Cairns (ed), Tragedy and Archaic Greek Thought (Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2013), 119-71
‘The Imagery of Erôs in Plato’s Phaedrus’, in E Sanders et al (eds), Erôs in Ancient Greece (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) 233-50
‘Vêtu d’impudeur et enveloppé de chagrin Le rôle des métaphores de “l’habillement” dans les concepts d’émotion en Grèce ancienne’, in F Gherchanoc/V Huet (eds), Les vêtements antiques: s’habiller, se déshabiller dans les mondes anciens (Paris: Errance, 2012) 175-88
‘Atê in the Homeric Poems’, Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar 15 (2012) 1-52
‘Self and Society in the Iliad’ [in Mandarin], Chinese Social Sciences Today 27 10 2011
‘Looks of Love and Loathing: Cultural Models of Vision and Emotion in Ancient Greece’, Mètis ns 9 (2011), 37-50
‘Ransom and Revenge in the Iliad’, in S Lambert (ed), Sociable Man: Essays on Ancient Greek Social Behaviour in Honour of N R E Fisher (Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2011) 87-116
‘Veiling Grief on the Tragic Stage’, in D Munteanu (ed), Emotion, Gender, and Genre (London: Bristol Classical Press, 2011) 15-33
‘Poine and Apoina in the Iliad’, in M Linder and S Tausend (eds), “Böser Krieg”: Exzessive Gewalt in der antiken Kriegsführung und Strategien zu deren Vermeidung (Graz: Grazer Universitätsverlag/Leykam, 2011) 35-50
‘The Principle of Alternation and the Tyrant’s Happiness in Bacchylidean Epincian,’ Symbolae Osloenses85 (2011)
‘Honour and shame: Modern Controversies and Ancient Values’, Critical Quarterly, 531 (2011) 23-41
review article, D Konstan, Before Forgiveness, Ancient History Bulletin Online Reviews 1 (2011), 103-13
‘Aidôs’, in M Finkelberg (ed), The Homer Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) i 19-20
‘Anger’, in M Finkelberg (ed), The Homer Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) i 54-6
‘Atê’, in M Finkelberg (ed), The Homer Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) i 108-9
‘Honour’, in M Finkelberg (ed), The Homer Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) ii 367-9
‘Nemesis’, in M Finkelberg (ed), The Homer Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) ii 565
‘Psyche’, in M Finkelberg (ed), The Homer Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) ii 688-9
‘Shame’, in M Finkelberg (ed), The Homer Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) iii 790-2
‘Timê’, in M Finkelberg (ed), The Homer Encyclopedia (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) iii 879
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