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Name Role Business unit(s)
Lizzy Robinson-Self Why Poetry? The Aesthetic Significance of the Concentration Camp Poem
Dr Diego Robledo Career Track Fellow
Miguel Robles Garcia PhD Student
Laura Robson Veterinary Client Care and Referral Coordinator
Isabel Rocamora Being in Contemporary European Film
Christina Marie (Chrissy) Rochus Core Scientist in Quantitative Genetics and Breeding
Amy Rodger Research Fellow (BR-UK)
Professor Richard Rodger Professor Emeritus of Economic and Social History; Urban History, Economic and Social History
Dr. Sheila E. Rodgers Honorary Fellow, University of Edinburgh / Hon. Nurse Consultant in Critical Care, NHS Lothian
Julie Rodor Senior Scientist
Daniel Rodrigo Torres Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Aryelly Rodriguez Research Fellow
Dr Leonor Rodriguez Estrada Lecturer in Psychological Research Methods
Aryelly Rodriguez Carbonell PhD Student
Pilar Rodriguez Couceiro Senior PGR Administrator
Daniela Rodriguez gutierrez
Prof Sevi Rodriguez Mora Professor of Economics
Sofia Rodriguez Moussaoui
Dr Diana Rodríguez Pérez Teaching and Research Fellow in Greek Art and Archaeology
Bruno Rodríguez Reveggino (MPA, LLM, LLB) PhD student