Delila Jordan

Thesis title: A Commentary on Servius' In Vergilii Bucolica Commentarii

Year of study: 2

  • Classics
  • School of History, Classics and Archaeology

Contact details


I completed my undergraduate degree as well as my Masters in Ancient History and Classics at the University of Innsbruck. My Master theses focused on Neolatin literature and Greek historiography. In January 2022, I started my PhD at the University of Edinburgh. My doctoral thesis deals with Servius' commentary on Vergil's Eclogues and will comprise an introduction and a (meta-)commentary.


Master "Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies", University of Innsbruck (2021)

Master "Latin - Classical Philology", University of Innsbruck (2020)

Bachelor "Classica et Orientalia", University of Innsbruck (2018)

Undergraduate teaching

2023: Tutor, Latin 1D

2022/23: Tutor, Latin 1C


Research summary

Bucolic literature; commentaries; late antique poetry; Neolatin; Greek historiography

Current research interests

At the moment, I am dealing with ancient commentaries, especially the scholia on Theocritus and Vergil


12.–13.05.2022: Der monströse Feind im Wandel der Zeit. Eine kleine Geschichte der Orks. (with Kerstin Droß-Krüpe, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, and Sebastian Fink, Universität Innsbruck) Program: ProgrammOrks_23-4-22.pdf ( Radio report:

Papers delivered

26.06.2024: Latenter paene iocatur poeta (ad Aen. 1.78): Servius on Jokes in Virgil, Symposium Cumanum (Vergilian Society), 25.–28.06.2024, Naples.

06.07.2023: Ut veteres auctores tradunt: Authorities in Servius’ Commentary on the Eclogues, International Medieval Congress, 03.–06.07.2023, Leeds.

28.10.2022: In idoneis auctoribus legitur: Quotations in Servius' Commentary on Virgil's Eclogues, University of Edinburgh, Classics posgraduate seminars, Edinburgh.

12.05.2022: Sumerische Orks und römische Menschen. Ein Blick in die Welt von "Gothic", Der monströse Feind im Wandel der Zeit. Eine kleine Geschichte der Orks, 12.–13.05.2022, Bochum.

09.02.2022: Plato, Herodotus and the Question of Historical Truth, Herodotus Helpline. (online) Video:

12.11.2021: Martin Baumgartners Reise ins Heilige Land – ein Vergleich der Editionen von Donauer (1594) und Pez (1721), AKMe-Tagung, 12.–13.11.2021, Innsbruck.

30.10.2021: Hekataios, Solon und die ägyptischen Priester. Herodot II 142–143 und Platon, Timaios 21a–26c, 18. Österreichischer Althistorikerinnen- und Althistoriker-Tag, 29.–30.10.2021, Graz.

18.07.2021: Virgil and Lucan: Construction and Deconstruction of the Roman Myth, 19th International Conference for Ancient East-Mediterranean Studies in Tartu (ICAEM 2021): Epic, Society and Religion in the Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean cultures, 16.–18.07.2021, Tartu. (online)

Journal articles

Plato, Herodotus and the Question of Historical Truth, Syllogos 2 (2023), 32–48.

Scribal Identities, Renaissances, and Dead Languages. From Barber-Sumerian to Kitchen-Latin, Studia Orientalia Electronica 11,2 (2023), 30–52.  (with Sebastian Fink).

Pater Vulkan: Martial als Vergil-Interpret in Epigramm 5,7, Philologus 166(1) (2022), 118–133.

Die beiden frühneuzeitlichen Editionen des Berichts von Martin Baumgartners Reise ins Heilige Land zwischen literarischer Aneignung und wissenschaftlicher Editionsarbeit, Neulateinisches Jahrbuch 23 (2021), 85–103.

Book chapters

Reception of Ennius in the Latin Middle Ages, in: Nethercut, Jason and La Barbera, Sandro (eds.): Oxford Handbook to Ennius. (with Justin Stover) (forthcoming)

Reliquienauthentiken aus dem Pfarrarchiv St. Jakob, in: Egger, Matthias, Huber, Florian and Morscher, Lukas (eds.): Der Innsbrucker Dom zu Sankt Jakob. Bekanntes und Unbekanntes aus seiner Geschichte. Innsbruck-Vienna 2024, 191–195. (forthcoming)

Lexicon articles

'nugator', in: TLL IX.1, fasc. 6. (with schola aestiva 2023) (forthcoming)

Book reviews

Eckard Lefèvre, Jakob Baldes Solatium Podagricorum (1661). Ein satirischer Trost der Gichtkranken. Einführung, Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar (Berlin-Boston 2020), Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 74/2 (2021) 68–72.

Best Student Paper Award, University of Innsbruck (2022, for Pater Vulkan: Martial als Vergil-Interpret in Epigramm 5,7)

College Research Award, University of Edinburgh (2022–2025)

Merit-based scholarship, University of Innsbruck (2016, 2019 and 2020)