David Webb (MD DSc FRCP FRSE FFPM(Hon) FMedSci)
Christison Chair of Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology

- Centre for Cardiovascular Science
Contact details
- Tel: 0131 242 9216
- Email: D.J.Webb@ed.ac.uk
- Web: My research group
- Street
The Queen's Medical Research Institute,
Edinburgh BioQuarter,
47 Little France Crescent - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH16 4TJ
Research summary
My main clinical interests are in hypertension, chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular risk management and I run a European Society of Hypertension (ESH) Hypertension Excellence Centre in Edinburgh, and coordinate hypertension services in Lothian. My research focuses on the pathophysiology of hypertension and renal disease, particularly arterial stiffness and endothelial function, and includes a large body of work on exploiting the endothelin system for patients with vascular disease. My research spans from studies in animal models of human disease to translational, first-in-human and proof-of-principle studies, and large clinical trials. I am keen to see effective treatments introduced into clinical practice.