David Caulton



I am currently Course-Collection Coordinator for academic language & literacies provision in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS) at English Language Education (ELE) in the Centre for Open Learning (COL). This involves assisting with the operational management and reporting lines of a number of provisions in collaboration with a range of Schools, including Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh Law School, the School of Social and Political Science, Moray House School of Education and Sport, and Edinburgh College of Art (ECA). I also Course Organise and teach on a number of these courses in CAHSS and also the College of Science and Engineering (CSE).

Before I joined the University of Edinburgh, I taught English in Portugal and Italy where, post-Masters, I mainly worked at FIAT Auto in Torino, teaching mainly business English at all levels from shopfloor workers up to top management, finishing as Director of Studies. On relocating to the University, besides teaching, I was also involved in consultancy work for the British Council (teacher training) and the Edinburgh Law School (legal translators) in the Baltic states, and on an Italian Government-sponsored programme in Italy (Medical Writing).


MSc Applied Linguistics (1991)

RSA Preparatory Certificate (1986)

MA (Hons) Social Anthropology (1985)

Responsibilities & affiliations

Senior Fellow HEA (EdTA 2019)

Undergraduate teaching

I teach in-sessional academic language and literacies, across all three Colleges and all levels of study. 

Postgraduate teaching

I teach mainly in-sessional academic language and literacies, across all three Colleges and all levels of study. 

I am also Course Collection Coordinator for academic language and literacies provision in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS).

Research summary

  • Effective feedback mechanisms
  • Online Learning course development
  • English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) and related materials design
  • English language assessment

Knowledge exchange

  • Caulton, D., Northcott, J., and P. Gillies (2019) 'EAP And Subject Specialist Academic Writing Feedback Collaboration'.' In M. Gillway (Ed) 'Proceedings of the 2017 BALEAP Conference: Addressing the state of the union: Working together = learning together.' Garnet Education.
  • Northcott, J., Gillies, P. & D. Caulton (2016). 'What postgraduates appreciate in online tutor feedback on academic writing.' Journal of Academic Writing, 6, pp. 145-161.  
  • Northcott, J., Gillies, P. & D. Caulton (2015). 6'Feedback on feedback: the role of ESAP tutor feedback in improving postgraduate student academic writing ability.' In J. Kemp (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2015 BALEAP Conference.  Garnet Education.

Papers delivered

Northcott, J. & Caulton, D. (2017)  'EAP and subject-specialist academic writing feedback collaboration'. Presented at the BALEAP Conference, University of Bristol