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Name Role Business unit(s)
Georgios Matrakas Research Funding Specialist
Gianfranco Matrone Marie Curie Individual Fellow
Hannah Matson Emergency and Critical Care Intern
Yoko Matsumoto-Sturt / 松本スタート洋子 Lecturer in Japanese
Frauke Matthes Senior Lecturer, LLC Postgraduate Research Director
Charley Matthews
Cristina Matthews Academic Policy Officer
Keith Matthews
Sarah Matthews IRR Administration Assistant (CRM)
Stephan Matthiesen Programme Manager
Domenico Mattiucci Postdoc
Zofia Matuszczyk Research Assistant
Dr Stephan Maurer Lecturer
Emma Mavin
Ben Mawson-Mole Business Analyst – External Service Provider
Dr Bernice Maxton-Lee Climate Change and Sustainability Lecturer, Executive Education,
Drew Maxwell
Gavin Maxwell College Web & Digital Developer
Scott Maxwell Histology Laboratory Manager
Simon Maxwell P Chair Student Learning