Dr Darío Luis Banegas (SFHEA)

Director of Postgraduate Research/ Senior Lecturer in Language Education


I joined Moray House School of Education and Sport in October 2021. I am originally from Argentina, where I worked as a secondary school teacher, programme coordinator, lecturer, research coordinator, and curriculum developer for the Ministry of Education of Chubut between 2001 and 2019. I have also worked as a visiting lecturer at universities in Colombia, Ecuador, and Spain. Since 2001 I have been actively part of teacher associations in Latin America and the UK. 

At the University of Edinburgh, I lead a core course called Second Language Teaching Curriculum (MSc TESOL) for which I have been shortlisted as "Teacher of the Year" for the EUSA Teaching Awards. 

I have extensive experience in language teaching, teacher education, and curriculum development. In terms of research, my current main area of expertise is pre-service/initial language teacher education particularly in relation to curriculum development, content and language integrated learning (CLIL), future teacher's identity and agency, and inclusive and socially just language teaching. I am happy to discuss doctoral research projects around these areas. I enjoy supporting my doctoral students with their conference presentations, publications, and other activities that will enhance their academic skills. For example, doctoral students under my supervision will have the opportunity to join the ELTED Journal or write book reviews for reputable journals in the field of language education. 

Since 2022, with Prof. Do Coyle we have carried out consultancy work for the Basque Country government which involves facilitating continuing professional development for in-service teachers in CLIL and action research. 

I belong to the Language, Interculturality, and Literacies (LIL) Research Hub within the Moray House School of Education and Sport.  I have created the Towards Intersectionality in Language Teacher Education (TILTED) Research Group, a large international research group of professors, associate professors, lecturers, teaching fellows, and doctoral researchers interested in broadening understanding and practice of language teacher education by embedding intersectionality as way to make education transformative, inclusive, and socially relevant. His co-edited volume "Gender diversity and sexuality in English language education: New transnational voices" (Bloomsbury, 2022) was runner-up to the BAAL Book Prize in 2023. 

Since September 2023, I am a member of the the English Language Advisory Group (ELAG), a group that advise the British Council on matters related to English language teaching. I am also the founder and co-convener of the Language Curriculum Special Interest Group for the British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL). You can find information about the SIG at LANGUAGE CURRICULUM (BAAL SIG) - Home (weebly.com)


Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (University of Strathclyde, 2021)

PhD in Applied Linguistics (University of Warwick, 2013)

MA in English Language Teaching (University of Warwick, 2009)

BA in English (Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2007)

BEd in English Language Teaching (with Qualified Teacher Status) (Instituto Sedes Sapientiae, 2000)

Responsibilities & affiliations

  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK)
  • Associate fellow (Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick): Dr Darío Luis Banegas (warwick.ac.uk) in recognition of the quality and breadth of my research outputs. 
  • External Examiner for the MA TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) programme for the Department of Education, University of Bath.
  • External Examiner for the MA TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) programme for the University of Hertfordshire. 

Postgraduate teaching

I am involved in the following modules: Second Language Teaching Curriculum (course leader), Research Methods, TESOL Methodology, and Language & The Learner.

Academic cohort lead for MSc TESOL.

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Areas of interest for supervision

Topics of interest: CLIL, curriculum development, materials development, TESOL approaches and methods, initial language teacher education.

Current PhD students supervised

As from 2022

Jiaqi Tian: Supporting teachers to address gender and sexuality in English language teaching

Fumika Koshiba: L2 teacher motivation & teacher strategies for motivating learners.

Huixin Wang: L2 teacher motivation & direct motivational currents.

Qianyu Yang: Multilingual identity & L2 writing proficiency.

Yupei Wei: Intercultural awareness in L2 primary education. 

Past PhD students supervised

Sandra Cabrera Arias, language learning with higher education students  in informal settings, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Guillermo Pacheco, language education using flipped learning, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Joshua Simpson, sexuality in youth fiction and UK education, University of Strathclyde.

Research summary

  • Initial language teacher education: curriculum design, content and language integrated learning (CLIL), effect of different modules on future teacher identity, agency, and professionalism.
  • Inclusive language education: gender and sexual diversity in language teaching and learning. I am the convener of the Towards Intersectionality in Language Teacher Education (TILTED) Research Group. Towards Intersectionality in Language Teacher Education (TILTED) Research Group | The University of Edinburgh
  • Action research for language teacher education and professional development.

Knowledge exchange

  • Member of the editorial board of: TESOL Quarterly (2023-), International Journal of Applied Linguistics (2023-), The Reading Teacher Journal (2023-)ELT Journal (2014-2017), ELTED Journal, TESOL Journal, LACLIL Journal, and Profile Journal.
  • Book Review Editor of the Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education (2023-).
  • Reviewer of manuscripts for: Modern Language Journal, TESOL Quarterly, English Teaching: Practice and Critique, International Journal of Multicultural Education, Revista Signos, Journal of Curriculum Studies, Applied Linguistics, Language Learning Journal, Language Teaching Research, Journal of Assisted Computer Learning, ELT Journal, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Computers & Education, Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning, Porta Linguarum, Teaching and Teacher Education, RELC Journal, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Founding editor (2013-2019) of the Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics.

Project activity

Current projects:

- Writing for publication among TESOL professionals in South America.

- Intersectionality in the language teacher education curriculum.

Current project grants

Spencer Foundation grant, 2022-2024. Project title: "From social justice talk to social justice practice through collaborative action research: A pilot study on L2 materials development."

Past project grants

English Language Teaching Research Award (ELTRA), British Council 2020-2022. Project title: "Preparing future teachers for CLIL: An in-depth investigation of three cases."

Conference details

Recent keynotes and paper presentations

  • 21st AILA World Congress, 12-16 August, 2024, Kuala Lumpur. Symposium chair & speaker: "Language teacher education beyond borders: Multilingualism, transculturalism, and critical Approaches"
  • ELTRIA Conference, 10-11 May, 2024, Universitat de Barecelona. Talk: "Teachers theorise through collaborative action research: Impact on teaching, learning, and professional development."
  • 9th Spring Research Conference, 22 March, 2024, Universitat Internacional de Barcelona. Plenary talk: "Are we preparing teachers for language teaching for/in multilingual contexts? An intersectionality lens."
  • IATEFL YLTSIG 2024 Conference, 19-20 January, 2024. Plenary talk: "Making English language teaching socially just: Topics, materials, and activities"
  • 9th ELT and CLIL Conference, 25-25 October, 2023, University of Tartu, Narva, Estonia. Plenary talk: "Talking about ourselves in the English class: Activities and experiences about identity for equity and active citizenship among teenagers"
  • 6th J-CLIL Annual Bilingual Conference, 7th October 2023, Tokyo, Japan. Plenary talk: “What is the language quadriptych and how can it harness learning practices across the curriculum?”
  • AAAL Annual Conference, 18-21 March 2023, Portland, USA. Colloquium organisation: "Queer literacies in/for teacher education: Strengthening allyships"
  • CIILEX23 Conference, 16-17 March 2023, Mar del Plata, Argentina. Plenary: "De trípticos y cuadrípticos: Los profesores como expertos en la enseñanza de lenguas [Of triptychs and quadriptychs: Teachers as language teaching experts]"
  • RELC Conference, 13-15 March 2023. Singapore. Keynote speech: "What is the Language Triptych and how can it be a pedagogical and professional development tool?"
  • CyTEA Conference, 12-13 November 2022, Limassol, Cyprus. Keynote speech: "How can we translate transversal competencies into sustainable pedagogical possibilities in ELT?"
  • World CLIL Conference, 6-8 July 2022, The Hague, The Netherlands. Paper 1: “Preparing future teachers for different CLIL models: An in-depth investigation of three cases. Paper 2: “CLIL teacher educator and CLIL researcher collaboration: Impact on knowledge production and professional identity.” 
  • TESOL 2022 Convention,  22-25 March, 2022, Pittsburgh, USA. Talk: "Ethical issues in action research: Whose research is it?"
  • SOLIFIC & CLER Seminar Series, 2 March, 2022, Sophia University, Tokyo. Talk: "Moving from theory to practice in CLIL in higher education."
  • I BUAP International Series of Webinars of Educational Research, February-March 2022, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico. Talk: "CLIL in the secondary school classroom: Effects on language development, motivation, and deeper learning." 
  • International Symposium: EFL Teaching and Research in Latin America, 26-27 January, 2022, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador. Plenary talk: "Critical thinking and TESOL: A world of possibilities." (online)
  • 3rd UNAE Conference, 24-25 November, 2021, Ecuador. Plenary talk: "Action research in English language education." 
  • 8th international ELT conference "Trends and Issues in CLIL and ELT”, October 28-29 2021, University of Tartu, Estonia. Plenary talk: “Towards inclusive pedagogy in ELT: Why? How?”
  • British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) 2021 Conference, 9-10 September 2021, online. Paper presentations: (1) “Inclusive language in Spanish: An opportunity to highlight the value of applied linguistic in the educational system”. (2) “Motivation to learn heritage languages: The case of Welsh in Argentine Patagonia”.
  • 54th International IATEFL Conference, 19-21 June, 2021, online. Paper presentation: “CLIL in Latin America: What can we learn from it?
  • Coloquio Internacional sobre Investigación en Lenguas Extranjeras, 3-5 June, 2021, online. Paper presentation: “L2 teenage writers: An action research study on motivation, engagement, and language development.”
  • TESOL Colombia Online Conference, 27-29 May 2021, Colombia. Panel participation.
  • 3rd Congress on the Didactics of English, 11 February 2021, Ecuador. Plenary talk: “Our own cultures and local spaces as points of departure in ELT”
  • Online seminar on CLIL, 29 January 2021. Mother Tongue-based Multilingual Education, Ministry of Education, The Philippines.
  • 2nd International Conference (online) on Multidisciplinary Innovation and Research Challenges in Social Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan, 17-18 December, 2020. Plenary talk: “Examining teacher educators’ funds of professional knowledge.”
  • 4th UICELL International Conference (virtual) on ELT & CALL, Jakarta, Pakistan, 17-17 December, 2020. Plenary talk: “Preparing future teachers online: Experiences, challenges, and opportunities.”
  • IATEFL Young Learners SIG Web Conference, 28-30 November, 2020. Talk: “Supporting early career teachers to include a gender perspective in secondary ELT.”
  • MEXTESOL 2020 Virtual Conference, 23-24 October, 2020. Panel: “What’s research got to do with me.”
  • 55th ASOCOPI Conference, Colombia, 7-10 October, 2020 (online). Plenary talk: “Now, I can talk about South America…in English.”

- University of Electronic Science and Technology, China, 22 November 2024. Invited talk within a symposium: "Can the Language Quadriptych support EMI tutors?"

- Universidad Publica de Navarra, Spain, 13 November, 2024. Invited talk: "CLIL and teacher development"

- University College London, 6 November, 2024. Invited talk: "How do teachers promote advocacy through social justice in English language education?"

- McGill University, 31 October, 2024. Invited talk: "Enhancing pre-service teachers’ projective agency for diverse and multilingual classrooms through a course on curriculum development"

- Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Japan, 3 July 2024. Invited talk: "Bridging CLIL and liberal arts through the Language Quadriptych"

-  University of Lujan Research Seminar Series,  Argentina. April 2024 , Invited webinar: “La justicia social como perspectiva de la sociodidáctica de las lenguas” [Social justice as a perspective in language sociodidactics]

- NATESOL Seminar, March 2024, Invited talk: "Harnessing language learning motivation and investment through a writing project."

- University of Bristol, March 2024, Invited talk: "Social justice in ELT: From conceptualisation to enactment."

- University of Santo Tomas, The Philippines, January 2024. Invited webinar: "Inclusive practices in internationalising research: Processes and outcomes."

- University of Southampton, December 2023, Invited talk "Enacting diversity and inclusion in English language teaching."

- Goldsmiths, University of London, October, 2023. Invited talk: "Decentring English Language Teaching: From Rhetoric to Practice…and back!" (GoldLing Online Guest Lecture Series)

- University of Wuppertal, Germany. September 2023. Guest lecture on CLIL as part of the Mehrsprachigkeit als Ressource beim Lernen von Mathematik nutzen. 

- University of Vienna, Austria. September, 2023. Summer school on CLIL for the Japanese CLIL Association.

- Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina.  August, 2023. Invited lecturer for a postgraduate course on Second Language Acquisition. 

- University of Wuppertal, Germany. January, 2023. Invited lecture on CLIL.