Daniel Hammond
Senior Lecturer in Chinese Politics and Society

- Asian Studies
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Contact details
- Tel: +44(0)131 650 6941
- Email: Daniel.Hammond@ed.ac.uk
- Web: Edinburgh Research Explorer profile
- Street
Room 4.17
50 George Square - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9LH
Office Hour: Tuesday 11-12
Outside of office hours and semester please arrange meetings in advance via email.
Daniel R Hammond took up the post of Lecturer in Chinese Politics and Society in September 2011.
He has a long association with Edinburgh completing his undergraduate studies in History and Politics (2002) and subsequently successfully completing the Master of Chinese Studies (2005) program at the University. He then completed his PhD at the University of Glasgow, graduating in 2010. During his PhD research he spent time at Nankai University in Tianjin (2006) and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing (2007). Before taking up his current position at Edinburgh he tutored and lectured at the University of Glasgow.
His publications have primarily been on social assistance in contemporary China focusing in particular on the urban resident minimum livelihood guarantee system. This has included studies at both national and local level.

Responsibilities & affiliations
Roles and Memberships
- British Association for Chinese Studies (BACS).
Undergraduate teaching
Courses Convened and Taught:
Politics and Policy in Contemporary China (Honours)
Doing Research in Chinese Studies (Pre-honours)
Courses Taught:
Academic Skills for Asian Studies (Pre-honours)
Postgraduate teaching
Courses convened and taught:
Playing East Asia
Research Skills and Methods 2
Course Taught:
East Asian International Relations
Dissertation supervision for East Asian Relations and Chinese Studies
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Areas of interest for supervision
I am interested in supervising students on the topics set out below:
- Social assistance in China, urban and rural, future social assistance arrangements.
- Perceptions of poverty in China.
- Transnational migrants and care arrangements for elderly family members.
- International perceptions of China.
- Use of China as narrative and design device in Western produced computer games.
- Governance in China.
Current PhD students supervised
Liu Mingxiao - Cultural re-adaptation of Chinese returnee students.
Li Diandian - Rural-urban migrant strategies for coping with poverty.
Past PhD students supervised
Wang Yiran - Comparing postgraduate student experiences in China and the UK.
Jing Jing - China-EU Relations Revealed in the Official Discourse (1995-2015): Mismatched Policies, Identities, and Ambitions.
Huang Yingjie - Community building on Bilibili.
Xiao Yao - Food safety and institutional reform in China.
Research summary
Dr Hammond's research interests, at a general level, revolves around policy and the machinations of the policy process. I am interested in research which addresses the emergence, development and implementation of policy, the role of institutions and actors within this process, the impact of centre/ local relations and the theoretical contributions that this research can make. Although my research focuses on China I actively seek to engage with literature from the broader disciplines of area studies, comparative politics and policy studies.
Specifically, Dr Hammond is interested in social assistance; in particular to the emergence, development and adoption of the urban resident minimum livelihood guarantee (MLG) system. He is currently pursuing work on the expansion of social assistance beyond a basic subsistence provision in urban China and hope to begin work on the rural program in the near future. In addition he is investigating how the current MLG program deals with inflation and how recent changes might improve its effectiveness.
Current research interests
Social assistance in China, future social assistance arrangements. Perceptions of poverty in China. Transnational migrants and care arrangements for elderly family members. International perceptions of China. Use of China as narrative and design device in Western produced computer games.Knowledge exchange
Public Engagement
- "China's Minimum Livelihood Guarantee system" The Scotland-China Association, Edinburgh branch, 8th October, 2013.
- "China's Present and Future Role in the World," Morningside Justice and Peace Group, 5 Dec 2012.
- Confucius Institute, Edinburgh, Schools Taster Day, 7 Nov 2012, Social Policy in China.
- Edinburgh Filmhouse, Invited Film Panel Member, 28 Jan 2012Film: Apart Together. Hosted by Take One Action organisation and their Take One Action Film Festival being held at the Filmhouse.
Current project grants
Co-recipient with Chris Perkins of a Principal's Teaching Award Scheme (PTAS) Grant for a project titled: 'Ways of Thinking and Practising in Chinese and Japanese Studies' (2012)
- “China’s urban social assistance, development and governance.” Urban Development of China Workshop, City University, Hong Kong (14 – 15 January 2017).
- “Managing (Mis)perceptions: China, social media, and maritime Asia.” United Nations – The Nippon Foundation of Japan 2016 Alumni Meeting, Bali, Indonesia (28 November – 1 December 2016).
- “The Favourable Partner: An Analysis of Singaporean media perceptions of China in Southeast Asia.” JEASC 2016, SOAS, London (6 – 9 September 2016).
- “Non-decisions in the design of urban social assistance.” Policy-Making in China: Adaptive Capacity Distinctive Patterns, General Patterns, Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), Berlin (15 – 16 January 2015).
- “The Enemy Unseen? The Appearance and Significance of China and the Chinese in the Fallout Series.” British Association of Chinese Studies Annual Conference, Newcastle University (3 – 5 September 2014).
- With Jing Jing, “Weak politics – A Strategic or Cultural Misunderstanding? An Analysis of Chinese Priorities in Sino-EU and Sino-ASEAN Relations under the Xi and Li regime.” CEASG Launch Conference: East Asia and the European Union, strong Economics, weak Politics? University of Groningen (8 - 9 May, 2014).
- “Getting the city to comply: Enforcement of the urban resident Minimum Livelihood Guarantee system between 1997 and 1999.” China’s Urban Environment, Past and Present, BICC Chinese Urban Studies Network Conference, University of Aberdeen (16-18 January, 2014).
- "Ways of Thinking and Practising in Chinese and Japanese Studies: An Initial Study." Joint East Asian Studies Conference, University of Nottingham (5-7 September, 2013), with Dr. Chris Perkins
- "Enough to get by? A discussion of China's Minimum Livelihood Guarantee as social stability mechanism". Imagining Democracy: Arab Spring, Asian Visions and Western Lessons.Department of International Relations and International Organisation, University of Groningen, (28-29 November, 2012)
- "Rural social assistance: Learning from the urban experience?" European Association for Chinese Studies, Paris, (5-8 September, 2012)
- "Policy entrepreneurs in China's response to urban poverty" British Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, Oxford, (3-5 September, 2012)
- “Innovation and diffusion of policy in the People’s Republic of China: The case of social assistance,” presented at British Association of Chinese Studies Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh, UK (September 2011)
- “Social Assistance in China, 2011: End of the Project or Ongoing Challenge?” presented at Association of Chinese Political Studies International Symposium, King’s College London (June 2011)
- “Limited by design? An early comparison of China and new member’s social assistance policy response to the economic crisis 2007 - 2010,” presented at 8th ESPAnet Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary (September 2010)
- “Social Assistance in China 1993-2002: Accommodating Institutions and Sponsors,” presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada (September 2009)
- “Feedback in Chinese Social Assistance Policy: the 2007 Intervention in the Minimum Livelihood Guarantee,” presented at BRIDGE Conference: Public Policy in East Asia, University of Bristol, UK (July 2009)
- “Local Variation and Failure to Transfer Nationally in Urban Social Assistance Policy: The Community Public Service Agency in Dalian City,” presented at the Provincial China Workshop, held at Nankai University, Tianjin, PRC (October 2008)
- 'Ways of Teaching and Practising in Chinese and Japanese Studies', Institute of Academic Development, The University of Edinburgh, 26 June 2013 (joint paper with Dr. Chris Perkins).
- 'Chinese Social Policy', Engaging Senior School Pupils - ChineseStudies Sessions, Confucius Institute for Scotland, 7 Nov 2012.
- 'China's New Leaders', St Columba's High School, 19 Nov 2012.
- 'China's Present and Future Role in the World', Morningside Justiceand Peace Group, 5 Dec 2012.