Emma Dhondt

Thesis title: Revisiting World Heritage Decision-Making Processes: Regulatory Opportunities for Sub-National Authorities in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention


Emma Dhondt is a PhD Researcher and member of the Una Europa Doctoral Programme in Cultural Heritage (Una-Her Doc). She pursues a joint PhD between the University of Edinburgh and KU Leuven, under the co-supervision of Dr. Kasey McCall-Smith and Dr. Jan Wouters.  Since November 2024, Emma holds a fellowship from the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). Her research focuses on the role of regional actors in the protection of UNESCO World Heritage.

Emma works at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies and the KU Leuven Institute for International Law. She previously obtained a Master of History (magna cum laude), with a focus on international cultural heritage, and holds a Bachelor and Master of Laws (magna cum laude) from KU Leuven, specializing in International, European and Public Law. During her Master of Laws, Emma spent a year at the University of Edinburgh and competed in the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court, ranking among the 48 best teams worldwide. She previously studied at United World College Costa Rica. 


Bachelor and Master of Law (KU Leuven, 2016-2021)

Bachelor and Master of History (KU Leuven, 2021-2023)

Research summary

International cultural heritage law; Art law; UNESCO; Public international law; Human rights.