Cristina Marinho


  • Psychology
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

Contact details



Room S5a, Psychology Building

7 George Square, Edinburgh
Post code


  • Office hours: Tuesdays 11am-12:30pm.


PhD, Social Psychology, Loughborough University (England, UK)

MSc, Social and Organisational Psychology, ISCTE (University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal)

Undergraduate teaching

Academic Year of 2024/25

Year 1: Contribution to Research Methods (Psychology 1B).

Year 2: Contribution to Research Methods (Psychology 2A); Social Psychology (Psychology 2A); responsible for the Qualitative Social Psychology Lab.  

Year 3:  Contribution to Qualitative Methods in Psychology (QMiP); contribution to Critical Analysis (CA).

Year 4: Dissertation in Psychology (supervision); contribution to Psychology Tutorial Course and General Paper in Psychology.

Postgraduate teaching

Academic Year of 2024/25

Qualitative Methodologies in Psychological Research (QMiPR) (Course Organiser)

Dissertation in Psychology (supervision)

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Research summary

Present research interests are on politicians manipulating people and information/statistical, how to oppose political manipulation, political constructions of history, language of parliamentary commemoration, forms of misrepresenting reality and public engagement with climate change news. 


Selected publications:


Billig, M., & Marinho, C. (2025). Politicians Manipulating Statistics: How They Do It and How to Stop Them. Cambridge University Press.

Billig, M., & Marinho, C. (2017). The politics and rhetoric of commemoration: How the Portuguese Parliament celebrates the 1974 Revolution. London: Bloomsbury (Academic Series).


Book chapters

Billig, M., & Marinho, C. (2024). Manipulating information and manipulating people: examples from the 2004 Portuguese parliamentary celebration of the April revolution. In John E. Richardson & Tommaso M. Milani (eds.), The Politics and Rhetoric of Collective Remembering. Routledge. 

Marinho, C., & Billig, M. (2024). How can governments be prevented from manipulating statistics about Covid-19? An example from UK politics. In C. Ilie (ed.),  Manufacturing Dissent. Manipulation and counter-manipulation in times of crisis (pp. 186-214). John Benjamins.

Billig, M., & Marinho, C. (2023). Using Examples to Misrepresent the World. In R. Harris & J. Fahnestock (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Language and Persuasion (pp.113-128). Routledge.

Billig, M., & Marinho, C. (2019). Literal and Metaphorical Silences in Rhetoric: Examples from the Celebration of the 1974 Revolution in the Portuguese Parliament. In A. J. Murray and K. Durrheim (eds), Qualitative studies of silence: The unsaid as social action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Billig, M., & Marinho, C. (2015). Rhetoric and Psychology: ending the dominance of nouns. In J. Martin, J. Sugarman and K. Slaney (eds), The Wiley Handbook of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology: Methods, Approaches, and New Directions for Social Science (pp. 117-132). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.

Marinho, C., & Billig, M. (2013). The CDS-PP and the Portuguese Parliament’s annual celebration of the 1974 Revolution: ambivalence and avoidance in the construction of the fascist past. In R. Wodak and J. E. Richardson (eds.), Analysing Fascist Discourse: European fascism in talk and text (pp. 146-162). London: Routledge.

Widdicombe, S., & Marinho, C. (2021). Challenges in Research on Self-Identity.  In M. Bamberg, C. Demuth & M. Watzlawik (Eds.), Handbook of Identity (pp. 57-76). Cambridge University Press. 


Journal articles

Billig, M. & Marinho, C. (2023). Preventing the Political Manipulation of COVID-19 Statistics: the importance of going beyond diplomatic language. Language in Society, 52(5): 733-755. First View online: doi:10.1017/S0047404522000367.

Billig, M., & Marinho, C. (2020). Metonymy, myth and politicians doing things with words: Examples from the Portuguese celebration of April 25. Pratiques Psychologiques, 26(4), 265-278.

Billig, M., & Marinho, C. (2014). Manipulating information and manipulating people: examples from the Portuguese parliamentary celebration of the April Revolution. Critical Discourse Studies, 11(2), 158-174.

Past project grants

PPLS Small Project Grant: Public engagement with climate news: a feasibility study (1/02/24 → 31/07/24). Project with Dr Sue Widdicombe ( and Dr Rahul Sambaraju (