Dr Claudia Rosenhan (SFHEA)

Lecturer (Teaching and Scholarship)


I have over 25 years of teaching experience, mainly in the tertiary sector. I have taught in such diverse contexts as teacher training colleges in Switzerland, Honours degree courses in England, EAP courses in Australia and pre-sessional courses in Scotland. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and have, for the past ten years, worked on the MSc Tesol and MSc Language Education, as well as the school-wide research methods courses.

Postgraduate teaching

I teach on  a range of core and optional courses on the MSc TESOL and MSc Language Education as well as cross-school research methods courses. I organise the second semester option course  on

  • Language Testing

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Areas of interest for supervision

I am inviting candidates to apply for projects that cover the area of

- eco ELT and environmental humanities,

- creativity in language education,

as well as considering methodological innovations, e.g. multimodal ethnographies, ecophenomenological storying and portraits.

Current PhD students supervised

  • Af'Idatul Husniyah  - Teacher Creativity in English Classrooms: The Case of Indonesia 
  • Suling Chen - Examining Creativity in College English Teaching in China: a grounded theory study
  • Yupei Wei - Interculturality in primary school textbooks
  • Caixia Yuan - Investigating the efficacy of using screencast feedback on Chinese postgraduates' academic writing and perception

Past PhD students supervised

  • 2021 Qianqian Zhou, ‘To Talk or Not To Talk?’:  Investigating the Complex Dynamic Emergence of Willingness to Communicate in a Chinese as a Foreign Language Classroom 
  • 2022 Iain PhilipVictims, Survivors and Agentic Experts: The linguistic performance of agentic identities by refugees in Scotland
  • 2023 Xiaowen Xie, Global Englishes Language Teaching Professional Development and Curriculum Innovation in Macau Tertiary Education: A Teacher's Journey

Research summary

I am mainly interested in the environmental humanities, investigating ecophenomenology in literature and education, as well as representation of identities and languages. My research activities cover

  • new materialist and posthumanist scholarship,
  • creative language pedagogy,
  • identity and language,
  • critical theory and
  • feminist theory.

Current research interests

I am currently looking into understandings of bordercrossings, trespass and other liminal states from an ecophenomenological perspective. This is part of a project entitled 'Inbetweeness'. It is a study of liminality and transversality.

Affiliated research centres

Project activity

Project Title: Enhancing Assessment Literacy amongst PGT Students and Scorer Reliability amongst PGT Staff

The key learning and teaching strategies of the university unanimously centre on student experience and graduate attributes (cf. “To encourage students to develop fully as partners in their learning”  CHSS Learning and Teaching Strategy 2013 – 2016). Tutor feedback and student success are central to these, and it is in these areas that improvement is yet to be made, according to PTES (cf. assessment “the highest level of negative responses” https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/sites/default/files/ptes_2015_what_do_pgts_want.pdf). PGT students, especially when they come from exam-oriented academic cultures such as China, measure their learning often purely by their grades (Boud & Falchikov, 2006), hence it is important, especially in the current arena of Internationalisation of HE, that the assessment criteria by which learning is measured are fit for purpose, and that the mark is arrived at by reliable scoring methods. The project investigated PGT students' attitude towards the level descriptors through a questionnaire survey.

Past project grants

PTAS £1500


Co-organiser BAAL SIG Conference, University of Edinburgh, 2 – 3 July 2015.

Papers delivered

  • Speaker at the ASLE-UKI Biennial Postgraduate Conference. University of Edinburgh, 5 – 6 September 2024. Presenting 'The ground beneath my feet – feeling the earth move'. 

  • Speaker at the Art + Anthropocene Virtual Seminar Series. University of York, 23 March 2021. Presenting Energy F/Flows Through the Environment.

  • Speaker at Huxley Symposium, Spain, April 2017. Forum: "Aldous Huxley and Self-Realization: his concept of Human Potentialities, his techniques for actualizing them, and his views of their social consequences.". Topic: “A green thought in a green shade” -- Cosmic Consciousness and Human Potentialities in Aldous Huxley’s novel Island (1962).
  • Speaker at the BAAL SIG Conference, University of Edinburgh, 2 – 3 July 2015.
      • presenting ‘wild language’ as a concept for an organic and creative language pedagogy
  •  Speaker at Aestheticism and Decadence in the Age of Modernism: 1895 to 1945, Institute of English Studies, Senate House, London, 17-18 April 2015.
      • highlighting the decadent parallels in Aldous Huxley’s Antic Hay and Wyndham Lewis’s Apes of God.
  • Speaker at 'Enchanted Edwardians', Third Annual Conference of the Edwardian Culture Network, in association with the University of Bristol, Bristol 30 – 31 March 2015.
      • presenting an ecocritical perspectives on D. H. Lawrence’s first novel The White Peacock.
  • Speaker at interdisciplinary conference ‘The Celtic Revival in Scotland – 1880 - 1930,’ University of Edinburgh, 1 – 3 May 2014.
      • investigating Carswell’s Caledonian Antisyzygy
  • Speaker at the international conference, The Condemned Playground: Aldous Huxley and his Contemporaries, Balliol College Oxford, 1 – 4 September 2013.
      • a gendered reading of Vera Brittain’s Testament of Youth and Aldous Huxley’s ‘Defeat of Youth’.
  • Speaker at the International and Interdisciplinary Conference ‘Alternative Modernisms’, Cardiff University, 15 – 18 May 2013
      • presenting Catherine Carswell as an intermodernist writer
  • Speaker at the International ‘E. M. Forster’s Maurice’ Centenary Conference in St Andrews, 24 – 25 November 2012.
      • highlighting the divergent paths of Forster’s protagonists in two novels as a commentary on character education
  • Speaker at the Third International Aldous Huxley Symposium in Riga, 25 – 29 July 2004.
      • presenting Aldous Huxley as an educator and critic of universal education
  • Speaker at the AHRB colloquium Between the East End and East Africa: “The Jew” in Edwardian Culture, University of Southampton, 27 – 29 July 2003.
      • presenting James Joyce’s Dubliners as a perspective on Jews in Edwardian Ireland