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Name Role Business unit(s)
Nadia Silhi-Chahin
Ryan Silk PhD Student
Professor David Silkenat Professor of History
Jane Sillars Programme Director
Edward Silson Reader
Ines Silva
Jonathan Silvertown Professor of Evolutionary Ecology and Chair in Technology-Enhanced Science Education in Biological Sciences
Helena Sim School of Biological Sciences Graduate School Team Leader
Hyun Bo Sim
Dr Stefania Simion Senior Teaching Fellow
Pallavi Simkhada
Professor Geoff Simm Director of the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems, and Chair of Global Agriculture and Food Security
Gillian Simmons Head of Admissions
Zoi Simopoulou Lecturer in Counselling, Psychotherapy and Applied Social Sciences
Eszter Simor Absurd Black Humour as Social Criticism in Contemporary European Cinema
Dr Ashley Simpson Lecturer in Language Education/ Co-Head: Institute for Language Education
Chantelle Simpson Research Integrity and Ethics Officer
Mr Colin Simpson Project Officer
Colin Simpson Honorary Fellow
Professor Head of Orthopaedics and Trauma Department