Chuwei He

Thesis title: Elites of Chinese Conservative Revolution: soldier, youth, and citizen of Hunan (1937-1949)

PhD in East Asian Studies

Year of study: 2

  • Department of LLC, University of Edinburgh

Contact details



School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
50 George Square
University of Edinburgh.

Post code


  • Monday to Friday (0900 to 1800 GMT).


Mr Chuwei He is a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh concentrating on wartime youth writing and KMT's spiritual training programs 精神訓練 during the Second Sino-Japanese War. He received his Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Development Studies and Classics from Queen's University, Canada, and his Master of Science in East Asian Relations from the University of Edinburgh.


M.Sc., East Asian Relations, University of Edinburgh UK, 2022.

B.A (Hons)., Development Studies and Classics, Queen's University Canada, 2021.

Responsibilities & affiliations

Member of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS).

Member of the  Association for Asian Studies (AAS).

Undergraduate teaching

Tutor (Teaching Assistant) in Modern East Asian History

Research summary

Chuwei He's research explores the question on how the KMT maximised its resilience to counter Japanese invasion through mobilisationstudent military and spiritual mobilisation and conservative revolutionary state-building (propaganda, Confucius New Ideals, and Student-soldiers). 

Current research interests

Chuwei He's doctoral research analyses the student training diary, autobiography, yearbook, memoirs, school periodicals, and Sanqingtuan publications in Hunan between 1931 to 1945. His current research interests include: Kuomintang wartime propaganda, youth mobilisation, hygiene improvement campaign, New Life Movement, and Nationalist Confucius revival.

Knowledge exchange

La Resiliance of France (1941-1944), with translation work delivered, 2023. 

      -  History Consultant to Classified: France '44 (launched in Winter 2023).

Conference details

Panel Chair & Discussant—"To Live or to Die: Examination of the Final Victory in Kuomintang’s Wartime Newspapers Supplements," 1st Military History Consortium, June 2024, Lancaster University.

Speaker—"Imagined Revolution: A Study of Youth Writing during Postwar Nationalist China," BPCS Annual Conference 2024, June 2024, York University.