Dr Chiara Blanco
Teaching Fellow in Latin

Contact details
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Room 00M.12, William Robertson Wing, Teviot Place
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Wednesday 2pm-3pm (online)
Thursday 2pm-3pm
I am a Teaching Fellow in Latin at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, after taking up a Research Lectureship in Classics at Trinity College, Oxford, and a Lectureship in Classics at Exeter College, Oxford.
Undergraduate teaching
- Course Organiser and Lecturer for Latin Epic LATI10002 (Hons).
- Course Organiser and Lecturer for Changing Bodies in Ovid’s Metamorphoses CLTR 10030 (Hons).
- Course Organiser and Lecturer for The Roman World 1A CLGE08003 (Pre-Hons).
- Lecturer for Latin 1C / Latin 2a ex-beginners / Latin 2Ha / Intermediate Latin (PG) 1.
- Lecturer for Latin 2B (LATI08012).
- Lecturer for Classical Literature 2: Greek and Roman Epic (CLTR08008).
Current PhD students supervised
Mr Yanda Song - MSc by Research - 'Flattery in Ovid's Exile Poetry'
Research summary
My main research interests lie in the intersections between ancient medicine and literature (Greek Tragedy, and Ovid and Seneca in particular), and I am the founder of the International Research Network 'Body and Medicine in Latin Poetry'.
Knowledge exchange
Organiser of the Public Event ‘Mind: An Exploration from Antiquity to Today’, 28th – 29th October, 2022, Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing, Durham University.
Organiser of the Public Event ‘Disease, Community and Communication’, 19th June 2021, Durham University.
Affiliated research centres
Project activity
Blanco, C. Metamorbidity: Body and Disease in Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’ (in preparation).
Mind: Therapies and Remedies in Antiquity and Beyond
Blanco, C. Metamorbidity: Body and Disease in Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’ (in preparation).
Blanco, C. L’anima-farfalla. Studio sul Tempio di Minerva Medica a Montefoscoli e Analisi della Simbologia, Pisa, ETS, 2012.
Edited Volumes
Blanco, C., Kousoulini, V., Stergiopoulou, K., (eds) Brill’s Companion to the Ancient and Modern Reception of Sappho, Brill’s Companions to Classical Receptions (under contract with Brill and forthcoming).
Blanco, C., Hahn, A., Martorana, S., (eds) Body and Medicine in Latin Poetry (under contract with De Gruyter and forthcoming 2023).
Abbattista, A., Blanco, C., Hailey, M., Savani, G., (eds) Tereus through the Ages (under contract with De Gruyter and forthcoming).
Blanco, C., Deering, B. (eds) Who’s Talking Now? Multispecies Relations from Humans and Animals’ Points of View, Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2015.
Peer-reviewed Articles
Blanco, C. ‘The Frenzied Swallow: Philomela’s Voice in Sophocles’ Tereus’, (forthcoming) Classical Quarterly.
Blanco, C. ‘The Final Touch: Exploring Emotions in Euripides’ Alcestis’, in Case, Z., Ellis, M., and Reinke A.M. (eds), Greek Drama and the Senses, (forthcoming) Cambridge Classical Studies.
Blanco, C. ‘Chapter 3: Madness Embodied’, in Kazantzidis, G. (ed.) A Cultural History of Madness: Antiquity, (forthcoming), Bloomsbury.
Blanco, C. ‘Shame and Skin in Ancient Greece’, in Gerolemou, M., Salvo, I. (eds) ‘Emotions and Gender’, (forthcoming) Journal of Cognitive Historiography.
Abbattista A., Blanco, C., ‘Tereus’ Illicit Penetration(s): A New Reading of Fr. 581 R’, in Abbattista, A., Blanco, C., Hailey, M., Savani, G., (eds) Tereus through the Ages (under contract with De Gruyter and forthcoming).
Blanco, C. ‘Flesh and Stone: Skin and Touch in Ovid’s Pygmalion’, in Blanco, C., Hahn, A., Martorana, S., (eds) Body and Medicine in Latin Poetry (under contract with De Gruyter and forthcoming).
Blanco, C. ‘Death as Dehumanization in Sophocles’ Philoctetes’, in Gazis G.A., Hooper A. (eds) Aspects of Death in Greek Literature, 2021, Liverpool University Press.
Blanco, C. ‘Beneath the Skin: Investigating Cutaneous Conditions as Somatisations of Gendered Emotions’, 2021, 253-276, Siculorum Gymnasium: A Journal for the Humanities.
Blanco, C. ‘Heracles’ Itch: The First Case of Male Uterine Displacement in Greek Literature’, 2020, 70.1, 27-42, Classical Quarterly.
Blanco, C. ‘When More is Less: Fertility and Body Size in Hippocratic Writings and Aristotelian Biology’, to be submitted to Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science.
Blanco, C. ‘Hercules Serenus: Nausea in Seneca’s Furens’, to be submitted to The Journal of Roman Studies.
Blanco, C. ‘Deconstructing the Female Body in Seneca’s Elegiac Reconstruction of Phaedra’, to be submitted to Ramus.