Dr Charlotte Brady
Head of REF, Research Planning & Performance
- REF Research Planning & Performance
- Edinburgh Research Office
Contact details
- Email: charlotte.brady@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Edinburgh Research Office
The University of Edinburgh
Charles Stewart House
9-16 Chambers Street - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH1 1HT
I become the Head of REF, Research Planning and Performance in May 2024. I provide leadership on research planning and performance relating to research assessment and evaluation including the strategy, planning and delivery for REF 2029.
I joined Edinburgh Research Office as a Strategic Research Executive in late 2021, where I delivered projects across the spectrum of research activities. This included supporting the drafting of the Research Cultures Action Plan, a document at the foundation of our Research Cultures work in the University. I was also an author of the Funded Research – Pathways to Academic Independence online course.
Prior to joining Edinburgh Research Office I was the REF 2021 Project Manager, and Project & Policy Officer to the Senior Vice-Principal.
I have a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Edinburgh and expertise in higher education policy, UK research and innovation, university strategy, commercialisation and industry engagement, research impact and early career researcher opportunities.
I lead the REF, Research Planning and Performance team, in the Research Governance, Policy and Performance Directorate.
In my role I lead three small teams - REF, Research Analytics and Insights, and Research Policy. These teams together cover essential support for REF 2029 preparations, providing insight into our research activity including reporting on our research key performance indicators, and horizon scanning the research policy landscape. All together they provide a multitude of services for performance and planning in research.
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