Catalina Martin

Thesis title: Experiences of "Home" and "Homelessness" for LGBT youth in Scotland


I hold an MA (Hons) in European Politics from the University of Dundee and an MSc in Social Research from Glasgow Caledonian University, where I enjoyed learning about social issues such as poverty, gender inequality, policy analysis, research methodologies, and theoretical perspectives.

After completing my postgraduate studies, I worked as a research assistant on various projects at the University of Dundee and NHS Education for Scotland (NES). These roles allowed me to expand my knowledge in areas such as the implementation of professional guidance within healthcare settings and collaborating on training programs for mental health professionals working with families.

My current research interests include homelessness, gender and sexuality, mental health, and qualitative research methods, all of which are integral to my PhD project.



MSc Social Research - University of Glasgow Caledonian (2012)

Ma(Hons) European Politics and International Relations (2:1)- University of Dundee (2009)

Current research interests

Home/ homelessness, gender and sexuality, feminist and queer theory, intersectionality, social exclusion, mental health, youth,