Professor Carole Faucher
Teaching Fellow in Education and International Development
- Moray House School of Education and Sport, IECS
- University of Edinburgh
Contact details
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I joined the Moray House School of Education and Sport in February 2020. My areas of interest include anthropology of education, medical anthropology, health education, health promotion, student wellbeing, critical development discourse, Global North/Global South divide, educational policy, education and nation building, identity processes, marginalised populations, social inequalities. Over the past few years I have developed a special interest in issues pertaining to the co-construction of knowledge and epistemological diversity, especially in connection to health and wellbeing in school context. I have published on these topics and conducted extensive research in Southeast Asia and in Central Asia.
Prior to moving to Edinburgh I held faculty positions at Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, University of Tsukuba, Mahidol University and the National University of Singapore. I have been visiting fellow at various institutions, including the Université de Montréal, Université Clermont-Auvergne, Tbilisi State University, Kyoto University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies and the City University of Hong Kong.
- 1999 PhD Anthropology, National University of Singapore
- 1995 MSc Anthropology, Université de Montréal
- 1991 BSc Anthropology, Université de Montréal
Responsibilities & affiliations
- CEID Research Group. Member of the Steering Committee.
- The Nordic Center for Conflict Transformation. Advisory Board Member.
- WHO Collaborative Center and UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education. Member of core scientific committee.
- European Educational Research Association. Co-convenor of Network 8 “Health and Wellbeing Education”.
- 24th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion (2022). Core member of the French sub-committee.
- RÉFIPS (Réseau francophone international pour la promotion de la santé). Member.
- McLellan, R., Faucher, C., Simovska, V. (eds) (forthcoming) Wellbeing and Schooling: Cross-cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. London: Springer.
- Dagiev, D., Faucher. C (eds) (2019)Identity, History and Transnationality in Central Asia: the mountain communities of Pamir. London: Routldege.
- Erb, M., Sulistiyanto, P. and Faucher, C. (eds) (2005), Regionalism in Post-Suharto Indonesia. London:RoutledgeCurzon.
Book Chapters
- Faucher, C. (2020), « Enfants et Adolescents en période de crise sanitaire » pp. 211-214 in Jourdan, D. (ed) Écoles et crises sanitaires: protéger, prévenir, éduquer. Paris: GHE Éditions.
Jourdan, D., Faucher, C., Cury, P., Lamarre, M-C., Mebtoul, M., Matelot, D., Diagne, F., Damus, O. (2020) "Plurality of knowledge to meet the challenges of tomorrow" in Humanistic futures of learning: Perspectives from UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks. Paris: UNESCO.
- Faucher, C. (2019) “Religious Education and Self-Identification among Tajik Pamiri Youth” in Dagiev, D. and Faucher, C. (eds) Identity, History and Transnationality in Central Asia: the mountain communities of Pamir. London: Routldege.
- Faucher, C., Dagiev, D. (2019) “ Locating Pamiri Communities in Central Asia” in Dagiev, D. and Faucher, C. (eds) Identity, History and Transnationality in Central Asia: the mountain communities of Pamir. London: Routldege.
- Faucher, C. (2017) “Narratives of Schooling during the Tajik Civil War (1992-97)” pp. 145-160, in Ashraf, D., Tajik, A. and Niyozov, S. (eds) Educational Policies in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan: Contested Terrain in the Twenty-first Century. London. Lexington.
- Faucher, C. (2015) “Ethnic Diversity in the Classroom: Some Sociological Considerations” pp. 260-263, in The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan as the Institute of Ethnoconfessional Accord Strengthening and Development. Publications of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Petropavlosk.
- Faucher, C. (2008) “Menggugat Batas-Batas di Kepulauan Riau” pp. 577-594, Politik Local di Indonesia,Nordholt, S.H.,Van Klinken G. (eds), Obor, Jakarta.
- Faucher, C. (2007) “Contesting Boundaries in the Riau Archipelago” pp. 443-458, RenegotiatingBoundaries: Local Politics in Post-Soehartro Indonesia, Nordholt, S.H., Van Klinken G. (eds). KITLV, Leiden.
- Faucher, C. (2005) “Regional Autonomy, Malayness and Power Hierarchy in the Riau Archipelago”, pp. 125-140,,Erb, M., Sulistiyanto, P. and Faucher, C. (eds) Regionalism in Post-Suharto IndonesiaRoutledgeCurzon, London.
- Faucher, C. (2005) “Dangerous Neighbours: Representation of Indonesia in Singapore Popular Discourse”, pp. 126-140 in Dynamic of Border Societies in Southeast Asia, Miyazaki,K.(ed). ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo.
- Faucher, C. (2004) “As The Wind Blows And Dews Came Down: Ghost Stories and Collective Memory in Singapore”, pp.190-203 in Bishop, R., Phillips, J., Yeo, W.W.(eds)Beyond Description: Singapore, Space, Historicity. Series Architext, Routledge, London.
Journal Guest Editor
- Faucher. C., and Gomez, J. (2010) Politics and Identity: Negotiating Power and Space in Asia, Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 28(2).
Journal Articles
- Torrano, D., Faucher, C., Tynybayeva (2021) The Role of the School Psychologist in the Pomotion of Children’s Wellbeing: Evidence from Post-Soviet Kazakhstan. Child Indicators research.
- Faucher, C. (2018) Les Ismaéliens du Tadjikistan: entre tradition et mondialisation, Relations, 794: 37-41.
- Cohen Miller, A., Faucher, C., Torrano, D., Brown-Hadjukova,.(2017) “Practical Steps for using Interdisciplinary Educational Research to Enhance Cultural Awareness”, The International Journal of Research and Method in Education: 40:5, pp. 288-298
- Faucher, C. (2010) “Capturing Otherness: Self-identity and Feelings of Non-Belonging among Educated Burmese in Thailand”in Politics and Identity: Negotiating Power and Space in Asia, Faucher, C. and Gomez, J., (guest editors) Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 28 (2): 54-81.
- Faucher, C., Gomez, J. (2010) “Introduction” in Politics and Identity: Negotiating Power and Space in Asia, Faucher, C. and Gomez J., (guest editors) Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 28 (2): (1-8)
- Faucher, C. (2006) Popular Discourse on Identity Politics and Decentralisation in Tanjung Pinang Public Schools, Asia Pacific View Point, Vol. 47, No.2: pp. 273-2
- Faucher, C. (2004) “Challenging ethnicity: Self-identification and Malayness in the Riau Archipelago” in The Geopolitics of Globalization : Boundaries, Territories and Spatial Issues, Ravi, S., Redonnet, P., ed. Special Issue, Frontières: pp 86-106.
- Faucher, C. (2002) Magical Discourse, Moral Boundaries, and the Mapping of Interrelations in the Riau Archipelago, Asian Journal of Social Science, Vol 30, (1): pp 158-176.
Research Reports
- Faucher, C., Fimyar, O., Iztayeva, A., Makhmutova, A., Saniyazova, A., Mun, O. (2015)“Social Aspects of Transition from School to Higher Education: The focus on rural multi-ethnic communities in Kazakhstan”, University of Cambridge and Nazarbayev University Research Collaboration on Educational Reforms in Kazakhstan.
- Faucher, C. (2012) “Civil Society Organizations Response to China’s Growing Presence in Lao PDR and Cambodia” in Comparative Analysis of Chinese Development Aid from the Recipients’ Perspective, Shuto, M., Saavedra, N., Augustin-Jean, L. (eds), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan.