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Name Role Business unit(s)
David Buchanan Data Manager
Lucy Buchanan Supporter Engagement Manager (on maternity leave)
Neil Buchanan Teaching Fellow
Dr Neil Buchanan Programme Director, MSc. Performance Psychology
Whitney Buchanan (BA, MGA)
Jessica Buchanan-Smith Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Martyna Buchert Reception and Facilities Assistant
Alison Buck
Susan Buckingham Head of Communications, Marketing and Engagement
Fiona Buckland Learning Technology Team Manager
Pip Bucknell Rotating Intern, Veterinary Clinical Services
Jana Budaiova Administrative Assistant
Dr Adam Budd Senior Lecturer; Cultural History
Arif Budiarto
Anne Budo-Dodeur Undergraduate Administrator
Michael Budzenski (PhD Candidate)
Audrey Buelo PhD Student
Carolina Buffoli
Malgorzata Bugaj Film and Media Teaching Fellow
Charlotte Bulkeley UG Student