Dr Benedikt Eckhardt
Senior Lecturer; Head of Classics Subject Area; Ancient History

Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 650 3873
- Email: b.eckhardt@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Room 00M.10, William Robertson Wing, Doorway 4, Old Medical School, Teviot Place
- City
- Post code
Student drop-in hours:
Monday 10-11
Tuesday 11-12 (but not 1 April)
I was never any good with numbers, so I studied History and German Literature at the University of Bochum in Germany from 2003 to 2008. Luckily, I immediately found a job at the University of Münster, where I spent more than six years doing excellent research in a "Cluster of Excellence". I then moved North to the University of Bremen, where I had an independent Post-Doc Project, also on something Excellent, from 2015 to 2018. Having thus spent decades developing a proper German accent, I am now putting it to good use when teaching ancient history at the University of Edinburgh.
External appointments
Co-editor of the Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period
Associate editor of Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Co-founder and co-editor of Edinburgh Studies in Hellenistic History and Culture
Member of the advisory board of the Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism
Member of the advisory board of the Edinburgh Studies in Religion in Antiquity
Co-chair of the Impact of Hellenistic Empires research group at the European Association of Biblical Studies
Undergraduate teaching
Subhonours 2024-25
Greek World 1A (Semester 1, CO)
Lecturing on:
- Ancient History 2A (Semester 1)
- Greek World 1B (Semester 2)
- Ancient History 2B (Semester 2)
Honours 2024-25
Money, Men and Gods in Archaic and Classical Greece (Semester 2)
Postgraduate teaching
Herod the Great and the End of Hellenism (Semester 2)
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Current PhD students supervised
Giuseppina La Cognata, Doctors Without Borders: The Professional and Social Identity of Physicians in the Greek World. Joint Supervisor.
Past PhD students supervised
Fabio Avesani, Cicero as a Roman patronus: relationships of clientela in the Late Republic. Joint Supervisor.
Giovanna Pasquariello, Inscribing the Galatians. Greek responses to the Galatian migration (3rd-2nd centuries BC). Joint Supervisor.
David McCaffrey, Post-Conflict Settlement in the Seleukid Kingdom throughout the Third and Second Centuries BC. Second Supervisor.
Madison Rolls, Educating Slaves: A Comparative Approach to Education in Roman Slavery. Second Supervisor.
Current research interests
Hellenistic History (esp. in the Near East); Roman Law and Society; Private Associations in the Ancient WorldBooks - Authored
2021. Romanisierung und Verbrüderung. Das Vereinswesen im römischen Reich. Berlin: de Gruyter.
2021. Herod in History. Nicolaus of Damascus and the Augustan Context. Co-authored with Kimberley Czajkowski. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2018. Juden, Christen und Vereine im Römischen Reich. Co-authored with Clemens Leonhard. Berlin: de Gruyter.
2013. Ethnos und Herrschaft. Politische Figurationen judäischer Identität von Antiochos III. bis Herodes I. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Books - Edited
2020. Reinheit und Autorität in den Kulturen des antiken Mittelmeerraumes. Co-edited with Clemens Leonhard and Klaus Zimmermann. Baden-Baden: Ergon.
2020. Law in the Roman Provinces. Co-edited with Kimberley Czajkowski, in collaboration with Meret Strothmann. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2019. Private Associations and Jewish Communities in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities. Leiden: Brill.
2018. Transformationen paganer Religion in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Rahmenbedingungen und Konzepte. Co-edited with Michael Blömer. Berlin: de Gruyter.
2017. Von Magna Graecia nach Asia Minor. Festschrift für Linda-Marie Günther zum 65. Geburtstag. Co-edited with Hans Beck, Christoph Michels and Sonja Richter. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
2016. Eine neue Prägung. Innovationspotentiale von Münzen in der griechisch-römischen Antike. Co-edited with Katharina Martin. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
2012. Jewish Identity and Politics between the Maccabees and Bar Kokhba. Groups, Normativity, and Rituals.Leiden: Brill.
2011. Geld als Medium in der Antike. Co-edited with Katharina Martin. Berlin: Verlag Antike.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
2024. ‘Clubs and Associations’. In Martin Hallmannsecker and Anna Heller (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Greek Cities in the Roman Empire. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 357-369.
2024. ‘The King's Men: Loyalist Associations in the Hellenistic Kingdoms’. In Christoph Michels (ed.), The Same, but Different? Monarchical Rule and Representation in the Hellenistic World. Stuttgart: Steiner, 485-510.
2024. ‘Ἐκκλησία: Ein gewöhnlicher Vereinsbegriff der römischen Kaiserzeit?’ In Joachim Krause, Stefan Krauter and Wolfgang Oswald (eds.), Qahal und Ekklesia. Typen und Funktionen von Versammlungen im Alten und Neuen Testament und ihren Umwelten. Leiden: Brill, 287-304.
2024. ‘Überpekuniarisierte Verhältnisse im klassischen Athen’. In Aloys Winterling (ed.), Systemtheorie und antike Gesellschaft. Berlin: de Gruyter, 287-307.
2024. ‘The “Charter for Jerusalem” and the Seleucid Conquest of the Southern Levant. Problems of Authenticity and Exemplarity’. Journal of Ancient Judaism 15: 181-207.
2024. ‘Geschlossene Gesellschaft? Das Mahl der Christen in Korinth’. In Christoph Auffarth (ed.), Korinth II: Das römische Korinth. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 209-229.
2023. ‘The Young, the Old and the Blessed. Corporate Bodies and Elite Reproduction in Roman Asia Minor’. Classica et Mediaevalia 72: 329-373.
2023. ‘“Neither a Demos nor a Polis”: Post-Seleucid Community Formation in the Book of Judith’. Classical Philology 118: 52-72.
2022. ‘Hasmonean Historiography in its Post-Seleucid Context’. In Jan Willem van Henten (ed.), The Books of the Maccabees. Literary, Historical, and Religious Perspectives. Leuven: Peeters, 213-229.
2022. ‘Nagy Heródes mint Antiochus redivivus, Josephus és az apokrifok értelmezésében. Kitekintéssel egy konstruktivista Heródes-kutatásra’. In Viktor Kókai-Nagy (ed.), Heródes. Komárom: Selye Janós Egyetem, 149-164.
2021. ‘Regulations on Absence and Obligatory Participation in Ancient Associations’. In Vincent Gabrielsen and Mario Paganini (eds.), Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World. Regulations and the Creation of Group Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 63-85.
2021. ‘What Was Seleucid about the Last Seleucids?’ In Christophe Feyel and Laetitia Graslin-Thomé (eds.), Les derniers Séleucides et leur territoire. Nancy: ADRA, 13-36.
2021. ‘An Inscribed Jar from Tel Kedesh’. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 219: 121-124.
2021. ‘Ein s(enatus) c(onsultum) in Ulpiana?’ Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 218: 326-328.
2021. ‘The Gymnasium of Jerusalem - a Middle Ground?’ In Julia Hoffmann-Salz (ed.), The Middle East as Middle Ground? Cultural Interaction in the Ancient Middle East Revisited. Vienna: Holzhausen, 179-197.
2021. ‘Reading the Middle Maccabees’. In Andrea M. Berlin and Paul J. Kosmin (eds.), The Middle Maccabees. Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom. Atlanta: SBL Press, 349-362.
2020. ‘Synagogues as Associations in the Roman Empire’. In Lutz Doering and Andrew Krause (eds.), Synagogues in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. Archaeological Finds, New Methods, New Theories. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 313-337.
2020. ‘Kings and Temple Purity in Hellenistic and Roman Jerusalem’. In Benedikt Eckhardt, Clemens Leonhard and Klaus Zimmermann (eds.), Reinheit und Autorität in den Kulturen des antiken Mittelmeerraumes. Würzburg: Ergon, 83-98.
2020. ‘Wine, Water and the Missing Symposium in Justin's First Apology’. Vigiliae Christianae 74: 471-486.
2020. ‘The Impact of Hellenistic Monarchy on Jewish Identity’. Journal of Ancient Judaism 11: 11-25.
2020. ‘Law, Empire, and Identity between West and East: The Danubian Provinces’. In Kimberley Czajkowski and Benedikt Eckhardt (eds.), Law in the Roman Provinces. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 417-435.
2020. ‘Introduction’. In Kimberley Czajkowski and Benedikt Eckhardt (eds.), Law in the Roman Provinces. Co-authored with Kimberley Czajkowski. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-15.
2019. ‘Some Aspects of the History of Private Associations in the Ancient Levant’. Ancient Society 49: 1-39.
2019. ‘Associations Beyond the City: Jews, Actors and Empire in the Roman Period’. In Benedikt Eckhardt (ed.), Private Associations and Jewish Communities in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities. Leiden: Brill, 115-156.
2019. ‘Private Associations in Hellenistic and Roman Cities: Common Ground and Dividing Lines’. In Benedikt Eckhardt (ed.), Private Associations and Jewish Communities in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities. Leiden: Brill, 13-36.
2019. ‘Introduction: “Greco-Roman Associations” and the Jews’. In Benedikt Eckhardt (ed.), Private Associations and Jewish Communities in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities. Leiden: Brill, 1-12.
2018. ‘Law, Status and Agency in the Roman Provinces’. Co-authored with Kimberley Czajkowski. Past & Present 241: 3-31.
2018. ‘The Koinon of Kosadar in Maresha: A Hellenistic Private Association in the Levant’. Co-authored with Avner Ecker. Israel Exploration Journal 68: 192-207.
2018. ‘The Yahad in the Context of Hellenistic Group Formation’. In George J. Brooke and Charlotte Hempel (eds.), T&T Clark Companion to the Dead Sea Scrolls. London: T&T Clark, 86-96.
2018. ‘Die “hellenistische Krise” und der Makkabäeraufstand in der neueren Diskussion’. Theologische Literaturzeitung 143: 983-998.
2018. ‘Who Thought that Early Christians Formed Associations?’ Mnemosyne 71: 298-314.
2018. ‘Religionis causa? Zur rechtlichen Lage der Vereine “fremder” Götter in der römischen Kaiserzeit’. In Michael Blömer and Benedikt Eckhardt (eds.), Transformationen paganer Religion in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Rahmenbedingungen und Konzepte. Berlin: de Gruyter, 113-152.
2018. ‘Mystai und Mysteria im kaiserzeitlichen Westkleinasien’. Co-authored with Andrew Lepke. In Michael Blömer and Benedikt Eckhardt (eds.), Transformationen paganer Religion in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Rahmenbedingungen und Konzepte. Berlin: de Gruyter, 39-79.
2018. ‘Transformationen paganer Religion in der Kaiserzeit: Probleme und Perspektiven’. Co-authored with Michael Blömer. In Michael Blömer and Benedikt Eckhardt (eds.), Transformationen paganer Religion in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Rahmenbedingungen und Konzepte. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1-19.
2017. ‘Temple Ideology and Hellenistic Private Associations’. Dead Sea Discoveries 24: 407-423.
2017. ‘Vereins- und Stadtkult im Heiligtum der Artemis Kalliste in Athen’. Athenaeum 105: 31-42.
2017. ‘Heritage Societies? Private Associations in Roman Greece’. In Tamara Dijkstra, Inger Kuin, Muriel Moser and David Weidgenannt (eds.), Strategies of Remembering in Greece under Rome (100 BC – 100 AD). Leiden: Sidestone, 71-81.
2017. ‘Der Krieg, die Götter, die Frauen. Zur Herrschaftsrepräsentation des Demetrios I. Poliorketes’. In Hans Beck, Benedikt Eckhardt, Christoph Michels and Sonja Richter (eds.), Von Magna Graecia nach Asia Minor. Festschrift für Linda-Marie Günther zum 65. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 197-209.
2017. ‘Eating and Drinking (with) Dionysus’. In David Hellholm and Dieter Sänger (eds.), The Eucharist – Its Origins and Contexts. Vol. III: Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Traditions, Archaeology. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1761-1777.
2017. ‘Meals in the Cults of Cybele and Attis’. In David Hellholm and Dieter Sänger (eds.), The Eucharist – Its Origins and Contexts. Vol. III: Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Traditions, Archaeology. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1779-1794.
2017. ‘Craft Guilds as Synagogues? Further Thoughts on “Private Judean-Deity Associations”’. Journal for the Study of Judaism 48: 246-260.
2017. ‘Memories of Persian Rule: Constructing History and Ideology in Hasmonean Judea’. In Rolf Strootman and Miguel John Versluys (eds.), Persianism in Antiquity. Stuttgart: Steiner, 249-265.
2017. ‘Rom und die Juden – ein Kategorienfehler? Zur römischen Sicht auf die Iudaei in später Republik und frühem Prinzipat’. In Görge Hasselhoff and Meret Strothmann (eds.), Religio licita? Rom und die Juden. Berlin: de Gruyter, 13-53.
2016. ‘Romanization and Isomorphic Change in Phrygia: The Case of Private Associations’. Journal of Roman Studies 106: 147-171.
2016. ‘The Eighteen Associations of Corinth’. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56: 646-662.
2016. ‘The Seleucid Administration of Judea, the High Priesthood and the Rise of the Hasmoneans’. Journal of Ancient History 4: 57-87.
2016. ‘The Hasmoneans and their Rivals in Seleucid and Post-Seleucid Judea’. Journal for the Study of Judaism 47: 55-70.
2016. ‘Münzgeschichte und Ideenevolution. Zur Wirkung des Münzgeldes auf griechische Elitendiskurse in spätarchaischer Zeit’. In Benedikt Eckhardt and Katharina Martin (eds.), Eine neue Prägung. Innovationspotentiale von Münzen in der griechisch-römischen Antike. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 157-175.
2016. ‘De-Hellenisierung/Re-Hellenisierung? Zu “indigenen Motiven” auf damaszenischen Münzen der späten Seleukidenzeit’. Co-authored with Katharina Martin. In Benedikt Eckhardt and Katharina Martin (eds.), Eine neue Prägung. Innovationspotentiale von Münzen in der griechisch-römischen Antike. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 31-56.
2016. ‘Münzprägung und Innovation im antiken Mittelmeerraum. Zum Potential eines Forschungsfelds’. Co-authored with Katharina Martin. In Benedikt Eckhardt and Katharina Martin (eds.), Eine neue Prägung. Innovationspotentiale von Münzen in der griechisch-römischen Antike. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1-16.
2016. ‘Meals, Cult and Marketing in the Graeco-Roman World’. In Philipp Reichling and Meret Strothmann (eds.), Religion für die Sinne – Religion for the Senses. Oberhausen: Athena, 251-267.
2016. ‘Organisierter Pluralismus. Vereins-, Stadt- und Reichsreligion im antiken östlichen Mittelmeerraum’. In Ulrich Willems, Astrid Reuter and Daniel Gerster (eds.), Ordnungen religiöser Pluralität. Wirklichkeit – Wahrnehmung – Gestaltung. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 73-99.
2015. ‘Achaemenid Religious Policy after the Seleucid Decline: Case Studies in Political Memory and Near Eastern Dynastic Representation’. In Jason Silverman and Caroline Waerzeggers (eds.), Political Memory in and after the Persian Empire. Atlanta: SBL Press, 269-298.
2015. ‘The Psalms of Solomon as a Historical Source for the Late Hasmonean Period’. In Eberhard Bons and Patrick Pouchelle (eds.), The Psalms of Solomon. Language, History, Theology. Atlanta: SBL Press, 7-29.
2014. ‘“Bloodless Sacrifice”: A Note on Greek Cultic Language in the Imperial Era’. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 54: 255-273.
2014. ‘Vom Volk zur Stadt? Ethnos und Polis im hellenistischen Orient’. Journal for the Study of Judaism 45: 199-228.
2014. ‘Martyrdom and the Opposition to Herod the Great’. In Marie-Françoise Baslez and Olivier Munnich (eds.), La mémoire des persecutions. Autour des livres des Maccabées. Paris: Peeters, 255-269.
2014. ‘Graeco-Roman Voluntary Associations, Systems Theory and Societal Evolution. Preliminary Perspectives’. CAS Sofia Working Papers 6, 1-35.
2012. ‘“An Idumean, that is, a Half-Jew”. Hasmoneans and Herodians between Ancestry and Merit’. In Benedikt Eckhardt (ed.), Jewish Identity and Politics between the Maccabees and Bar Kokhba. Groups, Normativity, and Rituals. Leiden: Brill, 91-115.
2012. ‘Introduction: Yet Another Book on Jewish Identity in Antiquity’. In Benedikt Eckhardt (ed.), Jewish Identity and Politics between the Maccabees and Bar Kokhba. Groups, Normativity, and Rituals. Leiden: Brill, 1-10.
2011. ‘Geld, Macht, Sinn. “Überpekuniarisierte Verhältnisse” im Athen des fünften und vierten Jahrhunderts v. Chr.’ In Benedikt Eckhardt and Katharina Martin (eds.), Geld als Medium in der Antike. Berlin: Verlag Antike, 14-56.
2010. ‘Die jüdischen Gesandtschaften an Pompeius (63 v. Chr.) bei Diodor und Josephus’. Klio 92: 388-410.
2010. ‘Meals and Politics in the Yaḥad: A Reconsideration’. Dead Sea Discoveries 17: 180-209.
2009. ‘Initiationsmähler in den griechisch-römischen Mysterienkulten?’ Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 52: 7-21.
2009. ‘PsSal 17, die Hasmonäer und der Herodompeius’. Journal for the Study of Judaism 40: 465-492.
2009. ‘Reclaiming Tradition: The Book of Judith and Hasmonean Politics’. Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 18: 243-263.
2009. ‘Herodes und die Hasmonäer. Strategien dynastischer (De)Legitimation von Herrschaft in Judäa 168–4 v. Chr.’ In Linda-Marie Günther (ed.), Herodes und Jerusalem. Stuttgart: Steiner, 23-46.
2008. ‘Herodes der Große als Antiochus redivivus in apokrypher und josephischer Deutung’. Klio 90: 360-373.
2007. ‘Herodes und Rom 40 v. Chr. – Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Königswürde für einen jüdischen Herrscher’. In Linda-Marie Günther (ed.), Herodes und Rom. Stuttgart: Steiner, 9-25.
Magazine Articles
2019. ‘“Just when the gods had ceased to be, and the Christ had not yet come ...”’. Electra 7: 10-11.
2017. ‘Sag mir, was du isst … Die religiöse Dimension des Mahls im antiken Judentum’. Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 22/1: 20-25.
Encyclopedia Articles
2020. ‘Herod’. Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online.
2019. ‘Herodians’. In Daniel M. Gurtner and Lauren T. Stuckenbruck (eds.), T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism. Vol. II. London: Bloomsbury, 335-337.
2018. ‘Senatus Consultum Iuventianum’. Oxford Classical Dictionary, 5th ed.
2018. ‘Senatus Consultum Pegasianum’. Oxford Classical Dictionary, 5th ed.
2016–2017. Several short articles on Hellenistic prosopography in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception 13 and 14.
2016. ‘Jannaeus, Alexander’. Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception 13: 750-753.
2016. ‘Jerusalem IV A: Second Temple and Hellenistic Judaism’. Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception 13: 1040-1044.
2010. ‘Mahl V (Kultmahl). B (Griechisch-römisch). C I (Alter Orient). C III (Zeit des Zweiten Tempels)’. Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum 23: 1014-1051, 1054-1064.
Circa 250 entries for the Copenhagen Associations Project Inventory, covering the regions “Northern Ionia”, “Phrygia” and “The Near East and Beyond”.
2024. C. Thomsen, The Politics of Association in Hellenistic Rhodes (Edinburgh 2020). Journal of Hellenic Studies 144: 331-332.
2024. W. Ameling et al., Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palestinae V: Galilaea and Northern Regions (Berlin 2023). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2024.11.49.
2024. W. Held (ed.), The Transition from the Achaemenid to the Hellenistic Period in the Levant, Cyprus and Cilicia (Marburg 2020). Journal for the Study of Judaism 55: 129-132.
2023. A. Cazemier & S. Skaltsa (eds.), Associations and Religion in Context (Liège 2022). Historische Zeitschrift 316: 665-666.
2023. J. Hoffmann-Salz, Im Land der räuberischen Nomaden? (Göttingen 2022). H-Soz-Kult 25.09.2023.
2023. F. Girardin, L'offrande et le tribut (Bordeaux 2022). Scripta Classica Israelica 42: 147-149.
2022. S. Maillot & J. Zurbach (eds.), Statuts personnels et main-d’oeuvre en Méditerranée hellénistique (Clermont-Ferrand 2021). Revue des Études Anciennes 124: 630-633.
2022. C. Fischer-Bovet & S. von Reden (eds.), Comparing the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires (Cambridge 2021). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2022.02.43.
2022. F. Chapot (ed.), Les récits de la destruction de Jérusalem (70 ap. J.-C.) (Turnhout 2020). Sehepunkte 22/2.
2022. S. Pfeiffer & G. Weber (eds.), Gesellschaftliche Spaltungen im Zeitalter des Hellenismus (Stuttgart 2021). H-Soz-Kult 10.01.2022.
2021. J. S. Kloppenborg, Christ's Associations (New Haven 2019). Klio 103: 335-342.
2021. R. Färber & R. Gautschy (eds.), Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums (Cologne 2020). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2021.05.12.
2020. J. Magness, Masada (Princeton 2019). Historische Zeitschrift 311: 445-446.
2020. J. Bernhardt, Die jüdische Revolution (Berlin 2017). Klio 102: 339-344.
2019. V. Noam, Shifting Images of the Hasmoneans (Oxford 2018). Strata 37: 167-169.
2019. W. Ameling et al., Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palestinae IV: Iudaea/Idumaea (Berlin 2018). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.12.19.
2019. M. E. Stone, Secret Groups in Ancient Judaism (Oxford 2018). Revue de Qumran 113: 160-162.
2019. D. W. Billings, Acts of the Apostles and the Rhetoric of Roman Imperialism (Cambridge 2017). Historische Zeitschrift 309: 163-165.
2019. M. Steinhart (ed.), Griechische Inschriften als Zeugnisse der Kulturgeschichte (Berlin 2017). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.02.49.
2019. K. Berthelot, In Search of the Promised Land? (Göttingen 2018). Theologische Literaturzeitung 144: 43-44.
2018. T. Schahin (ed.), Fragmente der Historiker: Nikolaos von Damaskus (Stuttgart 2018). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.11.55.
2018. K. Galinsky (ed.), Memory in Ancient Rome and Early Christianity (Cambridge 2016). Gymnasium 125: 286-287.
2018. F. Avemarie et al. (eds.), Die Makkabäer (Tübingen 2017). Theologische Literaturzeitung 143: 595-597.
2018. B. Edelmann-Singer, Koina und Concilia (Stuttgart 2015). Gymnasium 125: 79-81.
2018. K. Atkinson, A History of the Hasmonean State (London 2016). Theologische Literaturzeitung 143: 197-198.
2017. T. Corsten et al. (eds.), Epigraphik und Neues Testament (Tübingen 2016). Theologische Revue 113: 469-470.
2017. A. Weiß, Soziale Elite und Christentum (Berlin 2015). Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft 20: 1105-1111.
2017. S. Schmidt-Hofner et al. (eds.), Raum-Ordnung (Heidelberg 2016). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.07.13.
2017. Y. Furstenberg (ed.), Jewish and Christian Communal Identities in the Roman World (Leiden 2016). Theologische Revue 113: 204-205.
2017. C. Weikert, Von Jerusalem zu Aelia Capitolina (Göttingen 2016). Theologische Literaturzeitung 142: 607-609.
2017. K. Stebnicka, Identity of the Diaspora (Warsaw 2015). Gymnasium 124: 196-198.
2017. J. Scott, Bacchius Judaeus (Göttingen 2015). Theologische Revue 113: 30-32.
2016. B. Ritter, Judeans in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire (Leiden 2015). Theologische Revue 112: 477-478.
2016. N. Tran, Dominus tabernae (Rome 2013). Klio 98: 769-773.
2016. P. Scholz & D. Wiegandt (eds.), Das kaiserzeitliche Gymnasion (Berlin 2015). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.09.34.
2016. L. H. Martin, The Mind of Mithraists (London 2015). Gymnasium 123: 307-309.
2016. A. Collar, Religious Networks in the Roman Empire (Cambridge 2013). Gymnasium 123: 197-198.
2015. J. Steinhauer, Religious Associations in the Post-Classical Polis (Stuttgart 2014). HSoz-Kult 16.11.2015.
2015. C. Heuft, Spätantike Zwangsverbände zur Versorgung der römischen Bevölkerung (Hildesheim 2013). Theologische Revue 111: 467-468.
2015. N. DesRosiers et al. (eds.), Religious Competition in the Third Century CE (Göttingen 2014). Theologische Revue 111: 293-294.
2014. E. Baltrusch, Herodes (Munich 2012). Klio 96: 732-737.
2014. V. Babota, The Institution of the Hasmonean High Priesthood (Leiden 2014). H-Soz-u-Kult 2014-3-155.
2014. J. König, Saints and Symposiasts (Cambridge 2012). Theologische Revue 110: 67-69.
2013. R. Ascough et al., Greco-Roman Associations (Waco 2012). H-Soz-u-Kult 2013-2-108.
2013. S. Günther (ed.), Ordnungsrahmen antiker Ökonomien (Wiesbaden 2012). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.03.48.
2012. A. Avidov, Not Reckoned among Nations (Tübingen 2009). Ancient History Bulletin Online Reviews 2: 134-137.
2012. V. Pirenne-Delforge & F. Prescendi (eds.), Nourrir les dieux? (Liège 2011). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.04.53.
2011. R. Nadeau, Les manières de table dans le monde gréco-romain (Tours 2010). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.06.49.
2010. M. Dissen, Römische Kollegien und deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart 2009). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.09.53.
2010. S. Schwartz, Were the Jews a Mediterranean Society? (Princeton 2010). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.03.36.