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Name Role Business unit(s)
Eleanor Ellis Widening Participation Graduate Intern (Access to High Demand Professions)
Dr Anton Elloway Teaching Fellow in English for Academic Purposes
Abubekr Elmubarak Research Grants Administrator
Prof Mike Elsby Professor of Economics
Elmira Elvazova
Christine Emmerson Market Insight Manager
Elaine Emmerson Lecturer
Yoshinori Endo Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Justin Engelmann Machine Learning Scientist in Fetal Medicine Data Science
Dr Andrea R. English Senior Lecturer in Philosophy of Education (Associate Professor)
Romain Enjalbert Research Fellow
Professor Richard Ennos
Yvonne Enoch
Hannah Ensor Research Fellow
Professor Noel Entwistle Professor Emeritus
Miranda Eodanable (PhD student)
Dr Lel Eory Bioinformatician
Giuseppe Episcopo
Yanbing Er Literary Anticipations of Sexual Difference: Explorations in Women's Writing 1980-2014
Btissam Er-Rahmadi