Ayça Atabey
Thesis title: Fairness, vulnerability and AI-driven technologies

Year of study: 2
- UN Women
- BILGI IT Law Institute
- Digital Futures Commission/5Rights Foundation
Contact details
- Email: ayca.atabey@ed.ac.uk
PhD supervisors:
- Street
University of Edinburgh, South Bridge, Edinburgh
- City
- Post code
- EH8 9YL
Ayça is a second-year PhD candidate at Edinburgh University. She conducts interdisciplinary research in data protection, human rights and consumer laws, and in Human-Computer Interaction. Her research focuses on vulnerability, fairness, and AI from a gender perspective. Ayça is a PhD affiliate at the Centre for Data, Culture & Society of the Edinburgh Futures Institute and a Member of the VULNERA Observatory Network. She is the Editor-in-Chief at SCRIPTed Journal on IT, IP, and Medical Law. She received Alan Turing Institute's PhD Enrichment Award in 2022 and currently works as a researcher at BILGI IT Law Institute, a research assistant at 5Rights Foundation-Digital Futures Commission, and a Consultant on Data Protection, Human Rights and Migration at UN Women covering Europe & Central Asia region.
Durham University Law School (LLB)
The American Robert College of Istanbul
L'Ecole de Galatasaray