Ash Charlton (MA, MSc)

Thesis title: Slavery and Race in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1768-1860): A Text Mining Approach


Ash Charlton is a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh, undertaking a Collaborative Doctoral Award with the National Library of Scotland with funding from the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities. With a background in English Language and History (MA, University of Glasgow) and Information Management (MSc with distinction in Information Management and Preservation, University of Glasgow), her PhD research is using data analysis techniques to analyse legacies of race and slavery in our information environment.


MSc Information Management and Preservation (2020-21)

MA English Language & History (2013-17)

Responsibilities & affiliations

School of History, Classics & Archaeology - Programme Representative (2023-present)

Centre for Data, Culture, Society: Digital Cultural Heritage Cluster - Researcher (2022-present)

Centre for Data, Culture & Society - PhD Affiliate (2022-present); - PhD Representative for Advisory Board  (2023-present)

Collaborative Doctoral Award Student with the National Library of Scotland (2021-present)

Chartered Institute for Library and Information Professionals - Member (2020-present)

Undergraduate teaching


Art History 

Analysing Art History, 3rd Year Undergraduate Course (Autumn 2023)


Global Connections from 1450, 2nd Year Undergraduate Course (Spring 2023, Spring 2024)

The Historian's Toolkit, 1st Year Undergraduate Course (Autumn 2022) 


Postcolonial Faultlines: Branching into the Unknown (October 2022)


Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) DH2024, Washington DC, USA (August 2024)

International Society for Knowledge Organisation (ISKO) UK Conference: Glasgow, UK (July 2023)

Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations: Graz, Austria (ADHO) DH2023 (July 2023)

Transkribus User Conference: Innsbruck, Austria (September 2022)