Antonio Salgado Borge
PhD Philosophy

- Philosophy
- School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
Contact details
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Dugald Stewart Building
- City
- 3 Charles Street, Edinburgh
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- EH8 9AD
PhD Philosophy (University of Edinburgh, UK).
MSc Philosophy (University of Edinburgh, UK).
MA Humanistic Studies (Tecnológico de Monterrey, México).
Undergraduate teaching
Level 10 Course. Guest Lecture. 02 February 2021.
University of Edinburgh.
PY1013 - The Enlightenment
Level 7 Course. Guest Lecture. 11 February 2021.
University of St. Andrews.
Mind, Matter and Language (Winter, 2019).
Greats: From Plato to the Enlightenment (Spring, 2019 and Spring 2021).
Knowledge and Reality (Spring, 2018).
Philosophy of Science 1 (Winter, 2020).
2021 Nominated ‘Teacher of the Year’ by the University of Edinburgh’s Student's Association 12th
Annual Student-led Teaching Awards.
2020 Nominated ‘Student Tutor of the Year’ by the University of Edinburgh’s Student's Association 11th
Annual Student-led Teaching Awards.
Research summary
Salgado Borge, A. ‘Spinozistic Expression as Signification’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy. Status: Forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/09608788.2021.1953961.
Salgado Borge, A. ‘Spinoza on Essence Constitution, Philosophia. Status: Forthcoming. DOI: 10.1007/s11406-021-00437-0.
Salgado Borge, A. ‘Spinoza on the Distinction Between Substance and Attribute’, Philosophy. Status. Forthcoming.
Book Reviews
Salgado Borge, A. Review: ‘Being and Reason: An Essay on Spinoza's Metaphysics by Martin Lin.’ British Journal for the History of Philosophy. Forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/09608788.2021.1951158.
Conference details
- Salgado Borge, A. ‘Constitution and Identity in Spinoza’s Definition of Attribute’. Dutch Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy VII. Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands. Summer 2021 (TBD).
- Salgado Borge, A. ‘God or Natura Naturata? Spinoza on the Numerical Identity Between God’s Essence and all Things in Nature’. Conference Spinoza's TTP: Politics, Power and the Imagination. Online. 30 March 2021.
- Salgado Borge, A. ‘Spinoza on the Distinction of Reason’. Seminar on Early Modern Intellectual History (Chaired by Dan Garber). Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, Scotland- 21 Oct 2019.
- Salgado Borge, A. ‘Discrimination and Oppression in Yucatán: An Approach from the Metaphysics of Gender’. Seminar ‘Sexism and Violence’ organized by the School of Psychology of the Universidad Marista de México. México. 15 May 2019.
- Salgado Borge, A. ‘Reconceiving the relation between substance and attributes in Spinoza’s Ethics’. Collegium Spinozanum III. University of Groningen, Gronigen, Netherlands. 2-5 July 2019.