Annie Holtz
PhD Linguistics & English Language

- The Centre for Language Evolution
- Linguistics and English Language
- School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
Contact details
- Email:
- Street
Room 1.15
Dugald Stewart Building - City
- 3 Charles Street, Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9AD
2019 - The University of Edinburgh - MA(Hons) Linguistics and English LanguageĀ
Undergraduate teaching
Tutor: LEL1A-Linguistics and English Language 1A (Pre-honours course) autumn 2021
Tutor: Simulating Language (Honours/Msc course) spring 2021 & 2022
Tutor: Online Experiments (2-day intensive course on programming for online experiments using Javascript and jsPsych) 2020
Research summary
My PhD research investigates the origins of cross-linguistic patterns in NPs using experimental methods. I am especially interested in artificial language learning and gestural experiments and how they reflect the cognitive features involved in language creation and use. I also conduct research on language development/acquisition, focusing mainly on phonological segmentation and the typological frequency of syllable patterns in infant directed speech.