Dr Andrew Lamb (PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), FSA Scot)
Teaching Fellow in Iron Age and Theoretical Archaeology; Iron Age Europe

Contact details
- Email: alamb3@ed.ac.uk
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School of History, Classics and Archaeology, 00M.22 | William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School
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For drop in hours please inquire via email about availability. Please note that in Semester 1 I am generally only able to offer drop in hours via Teams.
Teaching Fellow
I have studied at Queen's University Belfast, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Leicester. I was awarded my PhD in 2019, and examined Iron Age mortuary practices in southern England between the 5th century BC and the first decades of the Roman conquest in the 1st century AD. On the basis of my doctoral research I received an honorable commendation in the 2020 Prix européen d’archéologie Joseph Déchelette. Between 2021 and 2022 I worked for the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, as a researcher on the European Union's Danube Archaeological eLandscapes project.
My primary research interests include mortuary practices, ritual, La Tène art and links between Iron Age Ireland, Britain and the Continent. I have previously excavated in the UK, France, Germany, Morocco and Ukraine.
Useful Links
Academia: https://edinburgh.academia.edu/AndrewLamb
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrew-Lamb-13
Undergraduate teaching
The Archaeology of Iron Age Europe (ARCA 10093)
Theoretical Archaeology (ARCA 10064)
Postgraduate teaching
The Archaeology of ‘Celtic’ Europe (PGHC11508)
Homo migrans (Ancient Worlds) (PGHC11611)
Research summary
- Britain & Ireland
- Europe
- Culture
- Gender
- Material Culture
- Migration
- Religion
- Prehistory
Research interests
Iron Age mortuary practices
Links and contacts between Iron Age Ireland, Britain and Continental Europe
Ritual as a tool for societal change and control
La Tène art
Current research interests
Crises in Iron Age Britain. Iron Age ring-headed pins in Britain and Ireland (in collaboration with Dr Katharina Becker, University College Cork).Lamb, A.W. 2025 (in press). The later Iron Age inhumation burials of South-West Britain and Armorica and their potential relationship. Cornish Archaeology 62
Inall, Y. and Lamb, A.W. 2025 (in press). Warfare and the ways of warriors in Iron Age Ireland and Britain. In: J. Genechesi, L. Pernet, S. Barrier, M. Demierre, D. Genequand and T. Luginbühl (eds). La guerre et son cortège. Réflexions sur les conflits et leur impact sur les cultures des âges du Fer , Actes du XLVIIe colloque international de l’AFEAF, Lausanne, 2023. Paris (AFEAF 7).
Lamb, A.W. 2025 (in press). Iron Age Mortuary Practices in Southern England 550 BC to AD 70: A Study of Ritual Frameworks within an Insular and Near-Continental Context. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports
Ellis-Haken, R. and Lamb, A.W. 2024. An Iron Age anthropoid sword pommel and guard from Belton, North Lincolnshire: A potential depiction of a bearded or female figure on a La Tène weapon. Études Celtiques 49(1), 9-30
Lamb, A.W. 2024. Chronological challenges in Iron Age Ireland and Britain: A case study of the application of the Universal Chronology to Late Iron Age communities in south-eastern England. In: A. Weidinger and J. Leskovar (eds).Interpretierte Eisenzeiten. Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie. Tagungsbeiträge der 10. Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie, 63-78. Linz: Studien zur Kulturgeschichte von Oberösterreich
Lamb, A.W. 2023. An Iron Age dagger hilt in the La Tène plastic style from Clipstone, Nottinghamshire. Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire 127, 47-60
Lamb, A.W. 2022. Iron Age Mortuary Practices in Britain: An assessment of current trends andtheir characteristics within contemporary north-western European traditions. Proceedings ofthe Prehistoric Society 87, 227–260
Lamb, A.W. and Schönfelder, M. 2022. Spearbutts for horse bits: a new interpretation for certain bronze fittings from the Irish Iron Age. Journal of Irish Archaeology 31, 69-80
Lamb, A.W. 2022. Les fleuves et la société durant l’âge du Fer en Ulster. In B. Bonaventure and S. Carrara (eds). Axes fluviaux et territoires à l'âge du Fer en Europe, 293-7. Collection AFEAF 4. Paris: AFEAF
Lamb, A.W. 2021-2022. Ein britischer Riemenverteiler aus Ober-Olm, Lkr. Mainz-Bingen. Berichte zur Archäologie in Rheinhessen und Umgebung 14, 18-25
Lamb, A.W. 2021. An Iron Age scabbard chape from Liss, Hampshire: A Northern artefact from a Southern find-spot. Hampshire Studies 76, 66-72
Lamb, A.W. 2021. Dressing the Dead: Dress fittings in the Later pre-Roman British Iron Age. In S. Adroit, A. Bertraud, T. Le Dreff, C. Moulin, and T. Poigt (eds). Représenter la protohistoire / Se représenter à la protohistoire – Representations of Protohistory / Self-representations inProtohistory. Actes des IV e rencontres doctorales de l ̇École européenne de protohistoire deBibracte (12-13 mars 2018), 107-113. Glux-en-Glenne: Bibracte
Lamb, A.W. 2020. The Deal-type inhumations of Kent: Defining an Iron Age mortuary group inlight of new discoveries. Archaeologia Cantiana 141, 98-124
Lamb, A.W. 2020. An Iron Age torc from Burnley, Lancashire. Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society 112, 182-201
Ellis, R.L. and Lamb, A.W. 2019. The Breckland Beast: An Iron Age zoomorphic terminal withimplications for our understanding of artistic influences during the Iron Age in Norfolk. NorfolkArchaeology 48, 165-173
Lamb, A.W. 2019. La Tène anthropoid art in Britain: Changes in style and people.Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 49(1), 83-94
Lamb, A.W. 2019. The prehistoric pedigree of Romano-British bucket escutcheons: the view from Mountsorrel. Later Prehistoric Finds Group Newsletter 13, 7-11
Lamb, A.W. 2018. The Belgae of Gaul and Britain: Revisiting cross-Channel contacts in the Later Iron Age. In P. Pavúk, V. Klontza-Jaklová & A. Harding (eds). ΕΥΔΑΙΜΩΝ. Studies in Honour of Jan Bouzek, 335-357. Prague: The Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Lamb, A.W. 2018. Seated burials of the La Tène Iron Age. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 37(4), 429-442
Lamb, A.W. 2018. The curious case of the Iceni and their relationship with Rome. In M.A.Janković & V.D. Mihajlović (eds), Reflections of Roman Imperialisms, 106-127. Newcastleupon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Mattingly, D., Bokbot, Y., Sterry, M., Cuénod, A., Fenwick, C., Gatto, M.C., Ray, N., Rayne, L.,Janin, K., Lamb, A.W., Mugnai, N. and Nikolaus, J. 2018. Long-term History in a Moroccan OasisZone: The Middle Draa Project 2015. Journal of African Archaeology 15, 1-32
Lamb, A.W. 2016. The rise of the individual in Late Iron Age southern Britain and beyond.Chronika 6, 26-40
Visiting Professor at the University of Hradec Králové.
Honorary Visiting Fellow at the University of Leicester.
Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
Vice Chair of the Later Prehistoric Finds Group.
Advisory Board Member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Eisenzeit.