Amanullah Ahmadzai
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Amanullah Ahmadzai is a PhD student and part-time tutor at the Edinburgh University Law School. He has been tutoring at PG and UG courses: ‘Dispute Resolution Methods’, International Commercial Arbitration', and ‘Commercial Law Ordinary’. Before starting his PhD, he was working as a research fellow at the Edinburgh Law School.
Before moving to the UK, he was teaching at Kabul University, Faculty of Law and Political Science. He has also taught at various private higher education institutions in Kabul. He was teaching different subjects, such as commercial law, private international law, introduction to the law, civil and commercial procedure, media law, and international organizations. Beside teaching, he was also involved in different rule of law projects and served in the legal-judicial sector of Afghanistan. He worked as a Senior Specialist for the Appeal’s Board of the ‘Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission of Afghanistan’. Until the political changes in August 2021, he was working as Huquq General Director, then ‘Justice General Director for Kabul City’ at the Ministry of Justice. He was a member of the Afghan Bar Association and a member and founder of the ‘Afghan-U.S. Law Alumni Association’.
LL.M. in 'Democratic Governance and Rule of Law', Ohio Northern University, U.S.;
LL.B, Kabul University, Afghanistan.
Certificate in Legal Pedagogy and Instructions, Ohio Northern University, U.S.
Undergraduate teaching
‘Commercial Law Ordinary’
Postgraduate teaching
‘Dispute Resolution Methods’, International Commercial Arbitration'.
Research summary
Justice system reform, access to justice, Alternative Dispute Resolution.