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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Annie Webster Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
Scott Webster Personal Chair of Medicines Discovery
Dr Tom Webster Senior Lecturer; History
Professor Wendy Webster
Cat Wedderburn PhD Student
Fiona Wee Trial Manager
Dr Elisabet Weedon Honorary Fellow
Prasanna Weeratunga Postdoctral Research Associate
Caroline Wegner
William Hong-xiao Wei
Yupei Wei
WEI Yurou (PhD student)
Laura Weiner (PhD student)
Maximilian S. Weinhold Ecological Economics MSc Student
Dr Ben Weinstein Lecturer
Christopher Weir Professor of Medical Statistics and Clinical Trials
Alexander Weiss Honorary Professor
Sydni Weissgold
Julie Welburn Personal Chair of Mechanistic Cell Biology
Jack Welch Intern in in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia