Alicia Núñez-García (Carnegie PhD Scholarship)
Thesis title: Connecting Worlds: Early Phoenician Presence Across Atlantic Iberia (8th-6th Centuries BC)

- Archaeology
- School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Contact details
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- Web: profile
- Web: Carnegie Scholar profile
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William Robertson Wing
Old Medical School
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- Edinburgh
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- EH8 9AG
I graduated from The University of Edinburgh with a MA (Hons.) degree in Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations in 2016, and from the University of Exeter with a MA in Experimental Archaeology in 2017. I am currently pursuing a PhD in Archaeology funded by the Carnegie Trust.
MA Experimental Archaeology
MA (Hons.) Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Responsibilities & affiliations
Member of The Prehistoric Society
Co-organiser of the Edinburgh University Archaeology Virtual Seminar Series 2020/21.
Undergraduate teaching
Tutor, Archaeology 1A. 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21
Tutor, Archaeology 1B. 2018-19, 2019-20
HCA Writing Centre Archaeology Tutor, 2019-21
Research summary
My reasearch focuses on the early stages of Phoenician presence on the Atlantic coastline (11th-8th centuries BC). It raises the question: how, when and why did 'Phoenicians' start interacting with communities on the Atlantic coastlines of Iberia and northern Africa, and what role did they have in the shaping of social networks, local and long-distance exchange, cultural identity and the eventual development of permanent hybrid settlements?
Current research interests
*Mediterranean-Atlantic interactions, Phoenicians, connectivity, exchange, intercultural contacts, identity, material agency. *Ancient skills and crafts, experimental archaeology, blacksmithing. *Archaeological theory, symmetrical archaeology, feminist archaeology, queer theory, material culture studies, deconstructionKnowledge exchange
Experimental Week 2019, Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen Museum. Germany, 22-28 Jul 2019.
European Stone Age Gathering 2019, Ertebolle Museum. Denmark, 8-14 Jul 2019.
European Stone Age Gathering 2018, Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen Museum. Germany, 22 Jul-1 Aug 2018
Workshop. ‘Ancient skills: Making cordage and coiled basketry’. Edinburgh University Archaeology Society workshop series. Edinburgh, 15 Nov 2017.
Athra Gathering (Stone Age festival), Sagnlandet Lejre. Denmark, 17-23 Jul 2017.
Current project grants
PhD Scholarship from the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (2017-2020)
- Co-organiser of Edinburgh University Archaeology Seminar Series 2020/21.
- Co-organiser of session at TAG2020 From panta rhei to societies against history: conceptualizing time in archeology. University of Leicester, Dec 2021 (delayed)
- Co-organiser of the workshop IberoArchUK 2020 Fostering co-operation across Ibero-British archaeology. University of Edinburgh, delayed to June? 2021
- Organiser of workshop Ancient Skills: Making cordage and coiled basketry. Edinburgh University Archaeology Society workshop series. Edinburgh, 15 Nov 2017
Papers delivered
- Connecting Worlds: Looking at intercultural contacts between Atlantic Iberia and Western Phoenicians. Edinburgh University Archaeology Seminar Series, online, 4 March 2021.
- Ubuntu! ‘Phoenicians’ in Iberia, Syrians in Europe. Conference TAG 2019; session 'Demography, migration, interaction: new archaeological narratives for the past and the present'. London, 18 Dec 2019
- 'Trade "migrations": "Phoenicians" and the Atlantic. Circulation, materiality and meshworks. Conference The Metal Ages in Europe Scientific Commission Conference, International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP): Where are you going? Reconsidering migrations during the Metal Ages. Edinburgh, 9-10 Oct 2019.
- ‘Where Land Met Sea: Early "Phoenicians" on the Atlantic coastline (9th-6th centuries BC)’. IberoArch19. Ibero-British Archaeology: Beyond Borders. Cambridge, 17 May 2019.
- ‘Early "Phoenician" presence on the Atlantic coastline: A case study of northwest Iberia (9th-7th centuries BC)’. 5th Doctoral Meeting of the European School of Protohistory of Bibracte: Transmission during Protohistory. Glux-en-Glenne (France), 12 Mar 2019.
- ‘Crafting agency: An inquiry into the thing-human imbroglio through ancient crafts’. Conference TAG Deva 2019. Chester, 19 Dec 2018.
- ‘Mediterranean-Atlantic connections: A symmetrical perspective on Early Iron Age evidence from northwest Iberia’. Workshop New approaches to late prehistoric and Roman Iberia. Edinburgh, 21 Nov 2017.
Núñez-García, A. 2019. ‘Crafting agency’: An inquiry into symmetrical human-thing assemblages, Archaeological Review from Cambridge 34.2, forthcoming.
Núñez-García, A. 2017. Modern appropriation of past material culture: Fostering 'soft' nationalisms in Mediterranean Europe through meaning, memory and identity, The Undergraduate Journal 8, 60-64.