Aldo Berrios Castillo


A PhD student in Linguistics and English Language interested in Historical Linguistics, the diachronic interaction between phonology and morphology as well as language revitalisation of Mapudungun, a language spoken in the Southern Cone of South America. Recipient of a Becas Chile scholarship granted by ANID (Chilean Government).  


  • 2023 Master in Applied Linguistics (Universidad de Concepción)
  • 2002 English-Spanish Translator (Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)

Responsibilities & affiliations

- Organiser of NILA reading group -

Research summary

I am interested in the historical trajectories of Mapudungun (ISO: ARN) phonology and morphology. Since Mapudungun is considered a language isolate, different techniques are used to unveil the ancestral stages of the language. I am currently studying morphophonological alternations that affect certain roots. By applying what is called internal reconstruction in Historical Linguistics, as well as the assumptions and predictions of particular linguistic frameworks, my objective is to trace ancestral phonological trajectories.

Current research interests

Mapudungun Morphophonology Historical Linguistics

Past research interests

Language revitalisation of Mapudungun


  • Organiser of Researching and Revitalising Minoritised Isolates: the cases of Mapudungun and Euskera at The University of Edinburgh, 29 April 2024

  • Committee member of the Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference 2024 at the University of Edinburgh, 3-5 June 2024 -

  • Committee member of the Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference 2025 at the University of Edinburgh, 4-6 June 2025 -


  • Berrios, A. (2024, October 10). Tañi chumken kiñe antü mew: Una experiencia pedagógica en contexto universitario [Reporting a Pedagogical experience at the University level]. Talk for the VII Coloquio sobre Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de la lengua mapuche, Universidad de la Frontera. PDF

  • Berrios, A. (2024, August 28). From regular phonology to irregular morphology: An amphichronic study of the alternation of causative -(ɨ)m in Mapudungun. Talk for the 2024 Annual Meeting of the LAGB, Newcastle University. PDF

  • Berrios, A. (2024, June 4). From regular phonology to irregular morphology: An amphichronic study of the alternation of causative -(ɨ)m in Mapudungun. Talk for the 30th Linguistics and English Language Postgraduate Conference, at The University of Edinburgh. Slides PDF

  • Berrios, A. (2024, April 29). Mapudungun: Sociolinguistis, Research and Revitalisation. Talks for the micro-conference entitled Researching and Revitalising Minoritised Isolates: the cases of Mapudungun and Euskera, organised by A. Berrios & I. Urrestarazu-Porta, at The University of Edinburgh. Slides PDF

  • Berrios, A. (2024, April 25-26). From regular phonology to irregular morphology: An amphichronic study of the alternation of causative - (ɨ)m in Mapudungun. Talk for the 11th Manchester Forum in LInguistics (MFiL 2024), at The University of Manchester. Slides PDF

  • Berrios, A. (2024, February 6). The history of the - (ɨ)m causative in Mapudungun: from regular phonology to irregular morphology. Talk for the AMC Catchup Sessions. Slides PDF


  • Berríos, A. (2023, May 23-25). Frecuencia fonemática del mapudungun. [Conference Session] XXIII Congreso internacional de la Sociedad Chilena de Lingüística, Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Santiago, Chile. Slides PDF

  • Berríos, A. (2022). Frecuencia fonemática del mapudungun. [Conference Session] 8vas Jornadas Nacionales de Fonética Humberto Valdivieso, Universidad de Concepción. Slides PDF

  • Berríos, A. (2021). Características acústicas de la reducción del grupo /ej/ asociado a procesos morfofonológicos del mapuzugun. [Conference Session] I Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Postgrado en Lingüística de Chile, Santiago de Chile. Slides PDF