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Name Role Business unit(s)
Ross Stout Communications, Web and Social Media Officer
Dr Justin Stover Senior Lecturer; Medieval Latin
Craig Strachan Computing Services Unit Manager
Mr David Strachan Servitor
Emily Strachan Vet Student
Ms Fiona Strachan Lecturer in Anaesthesia
Fiona Strachan IHDP Chief Operating Officer
Prof Giovanni Stracquadanio Personal Chair in Engineering Biology / UKRI EPSRC Fellow
Tessa Strain Chancellor's Fellow
Suzanne Strath Teaching and Student Services Support Officer
Sheila Strathdee Undergraduate Administrator
Shannon Street MScR
Ricardo Strefezzi Post-doctoral Fellow
Marij Streutker Vet
Jessie Stricchiola Expert Witness, Conference Panelist, Guest Lecturer
Dr Michael Stringer Stroke Association Research Fellow and Lecturer in MRI Physics, Medical Physicist
Giuseppe Strippoli
Jake Strong DataLoch Programme Administrator
Eleanor Stroud Core Scientist in Avian Immunobiology
Joe Stroud Head of Student Support