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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Alessandro Spiganti Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics
Alessandro Spiganti Fourth year PhD student
Athina Spiliopoulou Chancellor's Fellow
Vera Spiliotakou Teaching Administrator
Jo Spiller Director of Operations and Partners
Dr Foteini Spingou Honorary Fellow
Lee Spinks Senior Lecturer
Dr Ana-Mishel Spiroski Research Fellow
Eva Spišiaková Shakespeare's Young Man behind the Iron Curtain: Censorship of Same-sex Affection in Czech and Slovak Sonnet Translations
Dr Graham Spittle Dean of Innovation
Mark Sprevak Senior Lecturer
Duncan Sproul CRUK Career Development Fellow
Professor John Sproule Personal Chair of Physical Education
Maggie Sproule Swire Chinese Teaching Fellow
Myrto Spyropoulou Senior Clinical Training Scholar in Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Charlotte Squires
Charlotte Squires Clinical Research Fellow
Dr. Upali Sraman Lecturer in Buddhist Languages and Cultures
Devi Sridhar Professor of Global Public Health
Mridula Sridhar