Afnan El Gayar

Core Scientist in Quantitative Epidemiology


Afnan completed a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the Ain Shams University in Cairo/Egypt, in 2017. Following graduation, she worked as a Primary Care Physician for the Egyptian Ministry of Health before commencing her training in the Family Medicine Department at the Ain Shams University Hospitals, Cairo/Egypt, which she continued until 2021. She subsequently pursued a Master's degree in Public Health, graduating from the Dresden University of Technology in Dresden/Germany, in 2022. After graduating, she worked as a Research Fellow at the Charité – Berlin University Medicine in Berlin/Germany, until 2023 before taking on the role of Project Manager for the One Health FIELD Network at the University of Edinburgh.  

Project activity

One Health FIELD Network  - Project Manager (One Health FIELD Network

The network explores One Health in Fragile and Conflict Affected States. Mainly concentrating on the Middle East, we are primarily working with displaced individuals, both internally and externally (refugees) from Syria, especially in North West Syria. Our goal is to identify and develop the tools and expertise needed to ensure food security in FCAS, while also extending our research to include areas such as health and well-being, humanitarian aid and cultural heritage within these contexts.