Dr Ahmed Anwar |
Lecturer in Economics |
Mohamed Anwar |
Clinical Research Fellow |
Valentina P. Aparicio |
Robert Southey's non-European poetry: imperialism and radical politics |
Rui Apostolo |
Professor Naomi Appleton |
Professor of Buddhist Studies and Indian Religions |
- School of Divinity
- Edinburgh Buddhist Studies
Matthew Aquilina |
Stella Arakelyan |
ACRC Fellow |
Patrick Arant |
MSc by Research Philosophy |
Dr Jamie Arathoon |
ESRC Fellow |
Francisca Aravena |
Jade Archaimbault |
Language assistant / Lectrice |
Professor Alan Archibald |
Personal Chair of Mammalian Molecular Genetics |
- The Roslin Institute
- Genetics and Genomics
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Blueprints for Healthy Animals
- Control of Infectious Diseases
- Improving Animal Production and Welfare
Lauren Archibald |
Staffing Coordinator |
Lorraine Archibald |
Teaching Fellow (Primary Education) |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership (IETL)
Dr Benjamin E. Arenas |
Physical Chemistry Lecturer in Education |
Enti Arends |
Socio-cultural implications of French in Middle English texts, c. 1250 – c. 1350 |
Mark Arends |
Professor of Pathology |
- Institute of Genetics and Cancer
- Centre for Comparative Pathology
Prof David Argyle |
Vice Principal and Head of College of Medicine & Veterinary, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine |
- College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Clinical Sciences
- Functional Genetics and Development
- The Riddell-Swan Veterinary Cancer Centre
- The Roslin Institute
Liliana Arias Urueña |
Research Fellow |
Aina Arif |