Abel Jansma
Thesis title: Higher-order interactions in single-cell expression data

Precision Medicine
- Human Genetics Unit, Biomedical Genomics Section, Institute of Genetics & Cancer
- Particle Physics Theory, Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics
Contact details
- Email: A.A.A.Jansma@sms.ed.ac.uk
- Web: Personal web page
PhD supervisors:
In my research, I think about genetic interactions. We usually think about interactions between pairs of genes, but what does an interaction between three genes look like? Do these higher-order interactions affect the behaviour of cells? I try to answer these questions by combining intuition from physics, knowledge from biology, and techniques from mathematics.

- MSc. in Theoretical Physics - University of Amsterdam & Free University Amsterdam
- Visiting student at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen
- BSc. in Physics and Astronomy - University of Amsterdam
- graduated with honours, and a minor in Computational Science
- Propedeuse in Art, Technology, and New Media Design
- HKU University of the Arts Utrecht
- CSHL Network Biology 2021 (Poster)
- European Mathematical Genetics Meeting 2021 (Long talk)
- CSHL Biology of Genomes 2021 (Poster)
- International Conference on Computational Semantics 2021
- Genome Informatics 2020
- Applied Category Theory 2020