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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dawn Cardy Edinburgh Imaging Study Imformation Manager
James Carey
Laura Cariola Lecturer in Applied Psychology (ODLP), Programme Director MSc Mental Health in Children and Young People: Psychological Approaches (Online Learning)
Eric Carlin Teaching Fellow, Master of Public Health (on campus)
Ms Ailsa Carlisle Easter Bush Campus Operations and Services
Peter Carmack PhD Philosophy
Diogo Carneiro Teaching Fellow
Rosane Carneiro Ramos Teaching Fellow in Portuguese
Sarah Carpenter Honorary Fellow
Maria Carpintero Torres-Quevedo Contemporary American Women's Narratives of Identity Construction
Professor David Carr Professor Emeritus
Jon Carr PhD Linguistics & English Language
Liam Carr
Dr Mike Carr Senior Lecturer in Late Medieval History
Dr Rosalind Carr Lecturer in Early Modern Scottish History
Neil Carragher Professor of Drug Discovery and Director of Science, Edinburgh Cancer Research, University of Edinburgh
Professor Jeremy Carrette Head of the School of Divinity; Professor of Philosophy, Religion & Culture
James Carrigy
Paz Carril Leiva PHD visiting student
Gaby Carrillo Balam PhD Student