Ms Jocelyn Holkham (née Bisson)


Jocelyn graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Cambridge in 2014. She spent a year in first opinion practice in Brighton before undertaking a rotating internship at Dick White Referrals. This was followed by a combined Internship/Residency in Small Animal Medical Oncology at R(D)SVS, completed in March 2020. Jocelyn started as an ECAT-V Lecturer in September 2020. She is currently studying for a PhD at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer with the Wilkinson Group, looking at the role of ER-phagy in pancreatic cancer. She is particularly interested in the genetics and development of cancer. 

Outside of work she loves spending time with her young daughter, exploring the Scottish countryside, running and yoga.  


Master of Arts, University of Cambridge

VetMB, University of Cambridge