Chrystala Fakonti

Thesis title: Creating a defence of physician-assisted death and a compassionate killing offence/defence


I am originally from Cyprus and began my academic career studying  Law (LLB) at the University of Lancaster where I graduated in 2016. I then continued my studies at the University of Edinburgh, doing an LLM in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice in 2016/2017.

In September 2017, I joined Edinburgh Law School as a doctoral researcher studying alternative reform suggestions for euthanasia and assisted suicide. My thesis provides an extensive discussion on how such a reform will be constructed based on the theories for the distinction between justifications/excuses and defence/offence. Research is also undertaken on the appropriate allocation of the burden of proof and if/how motives should play a role in the allocation of criminal responsibility.

I am also involved in the Criminal Law Discussion Group, which I co-founded in 2019 and I was a co-convenor since the 2019/20 academic year. The CLDG brings in speakers from across the UK to discuss issues of criminal law, criminal law theory, and criminal procedure.