Staff news

Charity drive attracts 3,000 donations

Students and staff at Moray House School of Education have donated thousands of items to a charity that provides emergency food supplies to people in need.

They have collected more than 3,000 items for the Trussell Trust, which runs a network of over 400 foodbanks across the UK.

Collection points were set up around the School throughout November, where students and staff donated a range of items including food, toiletries and sanitary products.

As a School community, we have found the idea of people needing to go to foodbanks distressing. However, if we can play a small part to assist people in need then we will. It has been utterly remarkable that collection points established across the campus have produced so much.
Professor Rowena Arshad Head of Moray House School of Education

Festive event

Elsewhere, the School’s PGDE music students have been working with Saltersgate School in Dalkeith, which supports children and young people with additional support needs.

They delivered a lunchtime concert of music and carol singing on Monday 4 December.

At the event, students held a collection for the orphan, migrant and refugee children who board in the Child Development Centre School in Mae Sot, on the Thai/Burma border.

Sheila Laing, a Senior Teaching Fellow at Moray House, will travel to Mae Sot at Hogmanay to work with the school and deliver the £140 collection, which will be used to buy food for the children.

Related links

Moray House School of Education

The Trussell Trust