Yiran Chen
Thesis title: Writing the Unearthly and the Supernatural in Modern Chinese Fiction

Chinese Studies PhD - 3 years
Year of study: 1
- Asian Studies
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Contact details
- Email: s1508090@sms.ed.ac.uk
PhD supervisors:
Born in China.
Graduated from Sichuan University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chinese Language and Literature.
Graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a Master of Science degree in English (Literature and Modernity).
Currently studying at the University of Edinburgh as a first-year PhD student in Chinese Studies.
Research summary
Research interest lies in modern and contemporary Chinese literature and culture.
Current research interests
Fantasy fiction of the Republican era of ChinaPast research interests
20th century English literature and modernityPapers delivered
“Satirical Fantasy in Chinese Republican Fiction: Narrative and Discourse Analyses of A New
Tale of Ghost Killing as a Case Study”
at Scottish Centre for China Research Postgraduate Network Postgraduate Chinese Studies
Conference 2018 (October 26 - 27, 2018, University of Glasgow, Glasgow)
“Satirical Fantasy of A New Tale of Ghost Killing by Zhang Henshui”
at Literary Fantasy and Its Discontents Conference (November 23-24, 2018, Taipei Tech, Taipei)
“Demystification and the Parodic Travel Guide in Alice’s Adventure in China (1928) by Shen
Congwen (1902-1988)”
at BAME Doctoral Researchers Event (July 8, 2019, London)