
Chancellor's Awards

Chancellor's Awards recognise innovation, relevance, creativity, personal dedication and impact in teaching and research.

The Chancellor confers four Awards annually.

  • The Award for Teaching honours a colleague who has recently enhanced the University's teaching reputation through a significant contribution to improving or invigorating student learning at any level.
  • The Award for Research honours a colleague who has recently enhanced the University's research reputation through a significant contribution to research.
  • The Rising Star Award honours an early career colleague, appointed to the University in the last five years, who has made a significant contribution in either teaching or research.
  • The Outstanding Contribution Award (formerly called the Impact Award) honours a colleague who has made a demonstrable contribution to society, globally or locally outside direct academic recognition.


2024 Chancellor's Award winners

Outstanding Contribution Award
Mr. Nial Moffat, Head of Security, Estates
Research Award
Professor Shannon Vallor, Baillie Gifford Professor of The Ethics of Data and Artificial Intelligence, Centre for Technomoral Futures
Rising Star Award

Dr Katherine Atkins, Reader, Centre for Global Health in the Usher Institute

Teaching Award

Professor Meryl Kenny, Personal Chair of Gender and Politics, School of Social and Political Science

2023 Chancellor's Award winners

Outstanding Contribution Award
Dr. Lorraine Kerr, Senior Strategic Partnership Manager in Edinburgh Innovations
Research Award
Professor Guy Lloyd-Jones, Forbes Chair of Organic Chemistry, School of Chemistry
Rising Star Award
Dr. Deval Desai, Lecturer in International Economic Law, Edinburgh Law School
Teaching Award
Dr. Jeni Harden, the Reader based in the Usher Institute

Chancellor's Awards 2023

2022 Chancellor's Award winners

Outstanding Contribution Award
Dr Lisa Kendall, Director of Academic & Student Administration in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Research Award
Professor Kenneth Baillie, holds a Personal Chair in Experimental Medicine, Baillie Gifford Pandemic Science Hub in the Centre for Inflammation Research
Rising Star Award

Dr Georgia Cole, Chancellor’s Fellow in Social Work, School of Social and Political Science

Teaching Award

Dr Ross Galloway, Director of Teaching, and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Physics and Astronomy

Chancellor's Awards 2022

2021 Chancellor's Award winners

Outstanding Contribution Award*
Lyndsay Wilkie, Director of Business Development and Occupancy in Accommodation, Catering and Events , Corporate Services Group
Research Award
Professor Aziz Sheik, Chair of Primary Care Research, Director of the Usher Institute and Dean for Data
Rising Star Award
Dr. Dave O’Brien,  Chancellor’s Fellow in the Cultural and Creative Industries based in Edinburgh College of Art
Teaching Award

Professor Tim Stratford, Director of Learning and Teaching in the School of Engineering

* this year the former Impact Award criteria were revised and the award renamed 'Outstanding Contribution Award'  to reflect its wider reach to include any staff group who would not previously have been considered under the research and teaching criteria.

2020 Chancellor's Award winners

Impact Award
Professor Michael Eddleston, Personal Chair in Clinical Toxicology, Centre for Cardiovascular Science
Research Award
Professor Chris Speed, Chair of Design Informatics in Edinburgh College of Art
Rising Star Award
Dr Ewa Luger is a Chancellor’s Fellow in Digital Arts and Humanities, Edinburgh College of Art

Dr Davide Michieletto, Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, School of Physics and Astronomy and the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine.

Teaching Award

Dr Ruth McQuillan, Senior Lecturer and Programme Director online Masters in Public Health, Usher Institute

Chancellor's Awards 2020

2019 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Dr Alan Convery, Senior Lecturer in Politics in the School of Social and Political Science
Research Award
Professor Charles ffrench-Constant, Professorial Fellow based at the Medical Research Council Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Dean of Research for the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.
Impact Award

Professor Richard Mellanby,  Personal Chair of Comparative Medicine and is based at The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies.

Rising Star Award

Dr Jennifer Culbertson, Reader in Linguistics and English Language in the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences 

Chancellor's Awards 2019

2018 Chancellor’s Award winners

Teaching Award
Professor Pete Higgins, Chair of Outdoor and Environmental Education, Moray House School of Education; and Professor Dave Reay, Chair in Carbon Management and Education, School of GeoSciences
Research Award
Professor Richard Morris, Professor of Neuroscience, Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences, Edinburgh Medical School
Impact Award

Professor David FitzPatrick, Joint Section Head: Disease Mechanisms, MRC Institute of Genetics & Molecular Medicine, Edinburgh Medical School

Rising Star Award

Dr Beth Biller, Chancellor's Fellow, Institute for Astronomy, School of Physics and Astronomy

Chancellor's Awards 2018

2017 Chancellor’s Award winners

Teaching Award
Professors Charles Cockell, Chair of Astrobiology, School of Physics and Astronomy; and Alison Koslowski, Professor of Social Policy and Research Methods, School of Social and Political Science
Research Award
Professor Polly Arnold, Crum Brown Chair of Chemistry, School of Chemistry
Impact Award

Professor Francisca Mutapi, Professor of Global Health Infection and Immunity, School of Biological Sciences

Rising Star Award

Professor Devi Sridhar, Professor of Global Public Health, Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics; and Dr Mirko Canevaro, Reader, School of History, Classics and Archaeology

Chancellor's Awards 2017

2016 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Dr Jessie Paterson, Lecturer in Student Learning, The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Research Award
Professor Andrew Rambaut, Chair in Molecular Evolution, School of Biological Sciences
Impact Award

Professor Lesley McAra, Assistant Principal Community Relations and Chair of Penology; and Professor Susan McVie, Chair of Quantitative Criminology, School of Law

Rising Star Award
Dr Sam Spiegel, Lecturer in International Development and Director of Research at the Centre of African Studies

2015 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Dr Angus Bancroft, co-Director for Research Programmes in the Graduate School of Social and Political Science
Research Award
Brian Walker, Professor of Endocrinology and Head of British Heart Foundation Centre for Cardiovascular Science
Rising Star Award
Dr Louise Horsfall, Lecturer in Biotechnology, School of Biological Sciences

2014 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Dr Elizabeth Bomberg, School of Social & Political Science
Research Award
Professor Margaret Frame, Science Director of the Edinburgh Cancer Research UK Centre and Research Director of the College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine
Professor Jo Shaw, Salvesen Chair of European Institutions, Edinburgh Law School and Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
Rising Star Award
Dr Nicholas Mills, Reader in Cardiology; British Heart Foundation Intermediate Clinical Research Fellow; Consultant Cardiologist, the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

2013 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Professor Helen Cameron, Director of the Centre for Medical Education, College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine
Research Award
Professor Agata Smoktunowicz, School of Mathematics
Rising Star Award
Dr Catherine Heymans, Lecturer, School of Physics & Astronomy

2012 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Jamie Davies, Professor of Experimental Anatomy, Centre for Integrative Physiology
Research Award
Igor Rudan, Chair in International Health & Molecular Medicine, Centre for Population Health Sciences
Rising Star Award
Dr Eve Hepburn, Senior Lecturer in Politics & International Relations, School of Social & Political Science; Depute Director of the Academy of Government

2011 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Sue Welburn, Professor of Medical & Veterinary Molecular Epidemiology, Director of the Global Health Academy
Research Award
Mark Bradley, Professor of High-Throughput Chemistry, School of Chemistry
Rising Star Award
Dr Dominic Johnson, Reader in Politics & International Relations, School of Social & Political Science

2010 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Professor O James Garden, Regius Professor of Clinical Surgery & Honorary Consultant Surgeon, School of Clinical & Surgical Sciences
Research Award
Professor Peter Sandercock, School of Molecular & Clinical Medicine; Head of Edinburgh Neuroscience
Rising Star Award
Dr Euan Brechin, School of Chemistry

2009 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Dr John Lee, School of Informatics, School of Arts, Culture & Environment
Research Award
Professors Harry Campbell and Malcolm Dunlop, School of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
Rising Star Award
Dr Giles Hardingham, School of Biomedical Sciences

2008 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Dr Siân Bayne, School of Education
Research Award
Professor Joanna Wardlaw, Head of the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
Rising Star Award
Dr Polly Arnold, School of Chemistry

2007 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Professor Susan Rhind, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Research Award
Professor David Leigh, School of Chemistry
Rising Star Award
Professor Donald Bloxham, School of History, Classics & Archaeology

2006 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Dr Simon Bates, School of Physics
Research Award
Professor Donald MacKenzie, School of Political & Social Studies
Rising Star Award
Professor Stuart West, School of Biological Sciences

2005 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Professor Jane Dawson, School of Divinity
Research Award
Professor Jean Beggs, School of Biological Sciences

2004 Chancellor's Award winners

Teaching Award
Professor Allan Cumming, School of Medicine
Research Award
Professor David Porteous, Leader of the Molecular Medicine Centre


Please contact Nicola Helliwell for information on how to nominate. You can find more information, including details of the nomiations process, here:

The Chancellor's Awards

Nicola Helliwell

Executive Officer

  • Principal's Office

Contact details

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