Staff news

Ongoing Support for EEA Staff and Staff with EEA Partners - updated 10 May 2017

Additional advice and support for staff around Brexit.

The University is proud of our diverse and international community and is intent on ensuring we provide the best support to all our staff, students and their families. 

As the UK prepares to exit the European Union, we understand that this is an uncertain and anxious time for many people.

As a result, we have put together a programme of additional support for staff.

Latest updates

  • 600+ staff attended one or more of the twelve group information sessions which took place across the University from 24 to 28 April 2017
  • Videos of the three group information sessions, the slide packs and Frequently Asked Questions are now available. Please see the section below for a link to the relevant webpage.
  • Staff are now able to book a 1-2-1 meeting with an external immigration advisor through MyEd. These will take place from Monday 15 May and bookings will close on Wednesday 10 May
  • To assist staff who may need legal advice (including non-EEA [1] staff), a list of Scottish legal firms who specialise in immigration law is now available
  • An interest free loan is available to those applying for UK residency, indefinite leave to remain or British citizenship (including non-EEA staff)
  • A template letter has been developed to help staff who need to request evidence of employment and earnings to support their residency/citizenship applications

You can find further information about this additional support in the link below.

Related links

Support for EEA Staff and Staff with EEA Partners

Videos, slides and FAQs from the Group Information Sessions (EASE login required)


 [1] The EEA includes EU countries and also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. EU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.